Wellbeing / Wellness

Dr Adam Brown on maximising your quality of life with Longevity Medicine

From anti-aging creams to medical procedures, the endeavour to cheat time and stay forever young has grasped human's attention for centuries. While ageing is definite, perhaps the answer isn't about defying ageing entirely, but maximising our quality of life?

With almost two decades of experience in preventative medicine and inspired by his own experience, Dr Adam Brown decided to launch a Longevity Medicine program at his clinic in Sydney with partner and co-founder Baiba Brown. As he witnessed the subtle signs of ageing in himself, despite a healthy lifestyle, Dr. Brown became captivated by this proactive approach. The program has a data-driven and scientific 360-degree approach to optimising health and maximising health span. Unlike traditional medicine, that often falls short to address root causes, Longevity Medicine targets the aging process itself, focusing on early interventions and holistic prevention. By identifying key areas for improvement, the program can treat the symptoms of aging and disease before they escalate. Blending cutting-edge tech with expert medical insight, they create bespoke health plans that cater to the unique rhythms of each individual. Including partnering with Bioniq to create tailor-made supplements for individual's precise requirements.

Below, we speak with Dr Adam on what his Longevity Program actually is and how you can incorporate some of the principles of it into your daily lives.


What inspired you to launch the Longevity Medicine program at your clinic?

I have always been health conscious and played many sports, from representative rugby & cricket at school and university, to competing in triathlons and ocean swimming events in more recent years. With almost 20 years’ experience practicing preventative medicine in Australia and the UK, I feel I understand the importance of a holistic approach to the health of our bodies.

However, coming into my 40s, I started to become more aware of signs of ageing creeping in – which I’m sure the majority of people do! The more I delved into the subject of Longevity Medicine, the more I realised that just doing exercise, whilst neglecting other key areas of my life, will not maximise my Longevity potential.

There is increasing evidence that disease processes start many decades before they become a tangible condition (such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia). I feel that traditional healthcare models are found wanting in addressing this issue, because 1. they miss the boat on early intervention, and 2. ignore aspects of our lives that can negatively impact our health.

What is the Longevity Medicine program?

Ageing is being increasingly considered a disease process which can be slowed with specific interventions.

Longevity Medicine is an emerging medical speciality which is science-backed and bio-data driven. It provides a structured framework to assess our health status, identify deficient areas and then treat accordingly. The aim of Longevity Medicine is not to live to 150, but to extend our health spans, i.e. staying healthy, with a good quality of life, for longer.

In basic terms, the five tactical domains targeted in Longevity Medicine are:

1. Exogenous molecules – supplements, vitamins, medicines
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Nutritional biochemistry/diet
5. Emotional Health

We also extensively test biomarkers and genes, body composition & bone density, and cardiac and respiratory function.



How does your personalised approach enhance the effectiveness of the program?

Once we have completed your initial assessment, it doesn’t stop there! This is just the start of the process. Unlike other clinics whose offering ends after one ‘health check’, we use data collected from patient investigations to create a bespoke treatment plan. We then actively monitor and follow up patients to ensure they remain on the optimum pathway to Longevity. As a Doctor led clinic, we oversee prescribed medications and supplement regimens, as well as exercise, nutrition and emotional health guidance, all tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

A key principle central to Longevity Medicine is that all the tactical domains previously mentioned are addressed. Practicing Longevity should be a lifelong journey. Our welcoming and knowledgeable clinic can get the process started for you, and importantly continue to monitor progress with time. You can feel reassured that you are not only being treated as an individual, but also being given the most up to date guidance on how to maximise your Longevity potential. You’ll also start feeling great too!


You mentioned the influence of Dr. David Sinclair and Dr. Peter Attia in the field. How have their research and expertise shaped the strategies included in your program.

Most people will be aware that there is a lot of confusing dis-information out there, promoted by ‘expert’ influencers preaching Longevity, who are often selling products of dubious benefit, merely for financial gain. As an experienced medical Doctor, it’s ingrained in my psyche to research and question any new revelation, and ensure that my practice is only influenced by scientifically researched and evidence-based concepts. As I follow the same Longevity principles that I teach patients in my own life, why would I jeopardise my own health with anything but the most up to date and credible treatments available?

How can people incorporate some of the principles of your Longevity Medicine Program into their daily lives?

If there are only two things you take away from this article to maximise your Longevity potential, these should be:
1. Ensure you start addressing all of the five Longevity domains, and be truthful to yourself if you find an area that needs working on.
2. Feel reassured that, just like starting out at the gym or new sport which can often feel daunting and take time to see results, if you put the time and dedication into a Longevity-focused lifestyle, you will achieve great things.


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