Beauty / Wellbeing

Pilates and health coach Tasha Franken on wellness and why less is more

Tasha Franken

Tasha Franken does it all. She's a model, she's a trained pilates instructor and she's a certified health coach.

Now, after years in the modelling industry, she's finally found her own path to wellness. But it wasn't easy. Like many of us, Tasha was totally underwhelmed and frustrated with the fitness and health guidance available to her. So she developed a specific style of her own.

On her journey she learnt that small, simple and consistent steps are key to long term success - and that everything starts from within. Once you heal from the inside, the outside will follow. That's why she started her channel #MoveWithTash. It has everything from pilates based workouts to healthy recipes, mindfulness and beauty tips.

We caught up with Tasha and asked for some of her wellness secrets. For her, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, motivation comes from finding something you love and healthy choices can mean feeling your best mentally.


How would you define wellness?

To me, wellness is a continuous journey of healthy choices that contribute to feeling your very best, mentally and physically. Creating long term, sustainable habits that accumulate to overall wellbeing.


What is your approach to wellness?

I believe that balance is key. Everyone is different and there is no one size fits all method when it comes to wellness. This includes diet and exercise… Find what works for you! Once you heal on the inside, the outside will follow.


Tasha Franken

How do you think that we can be living healthier, more positive lives?

Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own different journey and you’re on the right path for you. Do what makes you feel good and surround yourself with good people.


What is your favourite workout and why?

My favourite workout is walking outside and pilates, which is why I decided to get certified and start teaching it! I have always been active and have tried just about every class, trainer and method out there but never quite got the results I wanted. For me, I realised less is more! I feel my best when I slow down and focus on movement and breath… Pilates to me is like moving meditation, it clears my mind and makes me feel strong mentally and physically.


Tasha Franken



Since many of us aren't able to get to the gym (or even outside), what's some fitness we can be doing from home?

This is something I get asked about A LOT! I think it can be tough to stay motivated at home these days but there are a lot of really good online classes available at the moment so I think it’s really important to find something you love and look forward to instead of dreading it. Whether it's pilates, boxing, dancing… There are so many options! Think of it more like a fun daily activity that makes you feel good and less like a “Workout” if you find yourself putting it off.

Moving your body every day is really important. Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. All of a sudden those 10mins a day add up to 70 minutes a week and 280 minutes a month.

I truly believe consistency is key so if you do a little each day you’ll create long term, sustainable habits that become part of your lifestyle.

I’ve been creating and filming my personal Pilates – based workouts for others to follow and it’s been great for my mental and physical well being. These low impact videos are quick and effective and really lengthen and tone the body whilst calming the mind. I have over 50 different videos available for free with minimal space, time and equipment. Anywhere & anytime.

Since many of us aren't able to get to the gym (or even outside), what's some fitness we can be doing from home? This is something I get asked about A LOT! I think it can be tough to stay motivated at home these days but there are a lot of really good online classes available at the moment so I think it’s really important to find something you love and look forward to instead of dreading it. Whether it's pilates, boxing, dancing… There are so many options! Think of it more like a fun daily activity that makes you feel good and less like a “Workout” if you find yourself putting it off. Moving your body every day is really important. Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day! All of a sudden those 10mins a day add up to 70 minutes a week and 280 minutes a month!! I truly believe consistency is key so if you do a little each day you’ll create long term, sustainable habits that become part of your lifestyle. I’ve been creating and filming my personal Pilates – based workouts for others to follow and it’s been great for my mental and physical well being. These low impact videos are quick & effective and really lengthen & tone the body whilst calming the mind. I have over 50 different videos available for free with minimal space, time & equipment. Anywhere & anytime.

If there's one change we can make now towards living well in the future, what would it be?

Make conscious decisions. Whether that’s researching the brands of clothing you buy or the food you put into your body it’s really important now more than ever to make better decisions for you and your future.


What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Cross that bridge once you get there.

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with worry about preempting something before it happens and sometimes it never does and you waste all that time! So take everything as it comes and deal with it once it’s time.


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Images: Tasha Franken