“Given the current uptight sway of Virgo season and the previous downbeat Saturn-ruled Full Moons, we should all welcome the poetic, empathetic, merging and messy atmospherics of Pisces.”
To see how the stars, planets and retrogrades will affect you in September 2022, Astrologer Clarisse Monahan shares your horoscopes.
Thankfully, this transit is finally giving us the luck we deserve.
2022 is a good-looking year for you, Virgo.
Leo is much less to do with dancing on tables (though power to you if that’s your thing) and more to do with an innate drive to leave your individual stamp on the world.
Part of your sign’s journey is to feel at home within yourself, to learn how to hold unconditional space for the range of emotional tides and moods that move through you.
The next five months aren’t looking too great.
A break from the astrological chaos would be nice.
Last year’s eclipses across your sign and Sagittarius really worked to check in with how you take in information and what you then do with it.
Thankfully, this month’s transit will be far less emotional.