By now, most of us know that niacinamide (aka vitamin B) is the latest active ingredient to be heralded as complexion wonder. Like vitamin C before it, niacinamide is on track to be trending skincare ingredient of 2021.
And it does come with a number of impressive functions. As we know, the difference between active ingredients and just regular old ingredients is that 'actives' have been clinically proven to have an effect or positive benefit to the skin. As such, niacinamides creds definitely check out. Niacinamide is known to balance oil production, improve the skin barrier function and improve the appearance of ageing including increased elasticity and smaller pore size.
But of course, the effectiveness and benefits you get from an active ingredient depend on how it's made, formulated and what other ingredients are included. And there are definitely some dud niacinamide products out there. But it's with joy that I'm here to introduce you to the best niacinamide skincare product I have ever tried - Synergie Skin Vitamin B serum.
The Synergie Skin Vitamin B serum benefits
It's the secret behind the smoothest skin of my life. How many long hours I've spent playing around with exfoliating acids and enzyme products, when this one serum would clear up my congestion in less than a week. It's because this particular iteration of a niacinamide serum contains a significant 13 percent, one of the highest concentrations available on the market. Before sensitive-skin sufferers get too concerned by such a high percentage, you should know that niacinamide is a notoriously stable active and one that is low irritation. Unlike with vitamin C, even those with sensitive skin can tolerate the higher percentages of niacinamde.
The Synergie Skin serum promises to "rejuvenate the skin, enhance skin clarity and luminosity, and strengthen against a broad range of conditions such as dryness, pigmentation and excess sebum". In my opinion it stands up to all these claims. My hyper oily skin has calmed down significantly. Not only has this serum nixed the congestion across my cheeks and jaw, but it's actually helping my makeup last longer. My foundation actually sits on my skin now instead of sliding off in an oil slick by 2pm. That's not to say that it has dried my skin out. On the contrary, niacinamide has a number of hydration benefits. After using this product for roughly a week, my complexion is neither oily nor dry, it just feels balanced. Another big tick, I've also noticed a significant reduction in the size of the pores across my cheeks.
What doesn't it do?
Although, it's worth noting that this serum has not had an effect on my fine lines. So don't expect it to be a cure-all. This serum is more about increasing the overall quality of your skin and preserving the good stuff that you've got than turning back the clock. At least this is my experience.
Where to find it?
It's best used at night as per the directions, but given how low irritation niacinamide it would be fine to be used twice daily if you so choose. Synergie Skin Vitamin B serum originally came to me through a press kit, but this is product I'll definitely be repurchasing. It's available on the Synergie Skin website.