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Come together: the launch of a new platform for Climate Crisis solutions

When it comes to the climate crisis we’re facing, it’s no overstatement to say that money equals power. A new organisation called Groundswell Giving aims to use that notion to positive effect. The concept goes something like this: Groundswell brings together people with the capacity to give, and facilitates the pooling of dollars to fund strategic, high-impact climate action and advocacy in the face of Australia's climate crisis.

Co-founded by Anna Rose, Clare Ainsworth Herschell and Arielle Gamble, this giving circle also aims to educate and empower, with the knowledge that there’s so many ways to contribute. At Sydney’s Royal Botanical Gardens – with insights from artist Tony Albert and scientist Tim Flannery, and a performance from Paul Kelly – the community came together to join the movement (note the ribbons on the wrists of new members).

Groundswell Giving's recommended Climate Actions

Listen to First Nations voices


Join a climate group

Fund climate advocacy

Switch to renewable energy (go solar or choose green power)

Switch your workplace to 100 per cent renewable energy

Reduce your carbon footprint

Bring up climate change in conversations

Get political


Join Groundswell Giving or find out more here.