
What to expect from the September equinox – and why you need to manifest

equinox sunrise

With September comes our second equinox for the calendar year. Falling on Sunday 22 September, the precise moment of equinox will be at 1o:43pm AEST. There are two equinoxes a year, one in March and one in September and they are considered to be the polar opposite to the solstice. Where the winter solstice has the short daylight hours of the year and the summer solstice has the longest, equinoxes have an equal length of day and night.


What happens during the September equinox?

The equinox is the celestial moment that marks the point when the Sun crossed the equator and daylight hours and night hours are equal. It is the transition point that heralds our ascent into the warmer and lighter part of the year.

For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, the September equinox means the arrival of spring and therefore it is our vernal equinox. As for those in the Northern Hemisphere, the September equinox signals the coming of the autumn weather and the end of the summer months.

Both equinoxes, both our spring and autumn ones are turning points - but also moments of balance. Here we have an equilibrium of dark and light. Spiritually, this is considered a time for introspection. Check in with yourself and assess how you are truly feeling. As the seasons turn, now is the point you can make adjustments to your course in order to be the best version of yourself.


What does the September equinox mean for you spiritually?

In particular, the vernal equinox (or spring equinox) is widely regarded as one of the best moments in the calendar for manifestation as it is technically the astrological new year. While the Northern Hemisphere has already celebrated their vernal equinox in March, now is the time for those in the South. Keep your positive energies around you and write down your intentions for the rest of the year.

Our vernal equinox always falls somewhere around the tail end of Virgo season and the beginning of Libra season. It's serendipitous time as we have the residual meticulous and grounded energy of Virgo powering us to fine-tune our lives. But at the same time, we have the burst of social and flirtatious energy of Libra to help throw off our winter track pants and help us find our dancing shoes.

This year, our equinox also falls in line with a harmonious Moon and Sun trine with the Moon in Virgo's sister sign Taurus. It is an aspect that will allow a smooth flow between our inner and outer selves. Ultimately leaving us feeling balanced, positive and in-tune with ourselves. It is the perfect energy to help us identify what we want for the rest of the year and for our future selves.

Truly, this will be one of the best moments in the whole calendar year to manifest for your future. Think, speak aloud, write it down. Whatever helps you best set your intentions, do it. And make sure to light a candle to celebrate the return of the longer daylight hours to our skies.


For more, make sure to read your October horoscopes to see what’s in store for your sign next month.




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Image: Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

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