
Tamsin Johnson introduces ‘RUSSH Home’ issue 03

There is a particular sort of satisfaction in coming home from a long trip, or even from a long day. As we pull into our street or unbolt the door, the feeling of familiarity can wash over us with an intimate warmth.

The heart and the mind settle.

We restore ourselves to who we are and check back in with the ideas and emotions that connect us to our chosen space.
For me, however, while I have always subscribed to the adage ‘there is no place like home’, it is through my wanderlust I’ve been able to encounter a true self. Travel stokes my creative fire, rejuvenates my eye, and forces upon myself a degree of healthy discomfort, especially after a few flight delays.

It is this metamorphosis that makes returning all the more powerful. To the bigger home – Australia –and I have lived abroad enough to know there is much to be grateful for, and the smaller home – my house – with all its idiosyncratic smells, the familiar bed linen, the exact rotation of the hot water tap, the morning light, the squeaky floorboard and the rhythm of routine.

As an interior designer, I fell into this ‘homemaking’ of sorts. I can do my best with an aesthetic language; I can guide with professional rigour and I can teach beauty and its value. A home, however, culminates in the individual and the combined activities of love, and labours of family, and this is what I have loved sharing within these pages. I hope you enjoy issue #3 of RUSSH Home and may it take you places wherever you may be.

The third issue of RUSSH Home is on sale now, featuring the work of cover artist Diena Georgetti, the homes of creative minds like Daniel Federici and Jessie Andrews and the items editor Tamsin Johnson is coveting.


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