Fitness / Wellbeing

Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw will change everything you thought you knew about getting into running

When starting your running journey, it can feel overwhelming, especially when the idea of running five kilometres seems daunting. However, just like any significant achievement, success in running is all about embracing a thoughtful, sustainable approach. It’s not about rushing to the finish line but rather about finding your rhythm and building steadily.

Friends, and business partners Laura Henshaw and Steph Claire Smith are breaking down these barriers and ridding off any intimidating thoughts to help you get started with running. Teaching us that it is absolutely possible when you have a sustainable – and enjoyable – training approach.

Their health and wellness app Kic, have recently joined a long term partnership with New Balance to bring people together through sport and help beginners and established runners to embrace their personal running journeys with newfound confidence and support from KICRUN. To celebrate, last month in Melbourne Kic and New Balance hosted a KICRUN event, fitting the team with New Balance runners and giving the KIC community a chance at beginning their journey together.

Below, we speak with Laura Henshaw and Steph Claire on how KICRUN can help you start and sustain your running journey, and breaking down any misconceptions on the physical activity.


What’s the biggest misconception people have when they first get into running?

Laura: The thought of running can be really intimidating, but it’s all about switching your mindset. The biggest misconception is that people ‘believe’ that they aren’t a runner, when in fact if you are fortunate to have the ability to to run, you can be a runner! It’s common to think that when you start running you need to push yourself to run 2, 3 or even 5km on your first run. But that’s not a safe, or sustainable way to train. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim to run 5km, it’s a fantastic and achievable goal to run towards. Through KICRUN we’ve helped thousands of people run their first 3km or 5km, and they’ve gone on to run 10 or even 21 kms. It’s all possible, when you approach your training in a sustainable - and enjoyable - way.

How important is footwear to starting your running journey? What would be your advice for finding the best style as a beginner?

Steph: Footwear is absolutely crucial when starting your running journey. The right shoes can make all the difference in terms of comfort, performance, and preventing injury. Don’t just go for the latest trend or the best-looking pair—focus on finding a shoe that provides the right support and cushioning for your needs. I’ve been running in the New Balance 1080v13, they’re literally like running on clouds!

What does the ideal running schedule look like for a beginner?

Laura: When you’re learning to run with KICRUN, we recommend 3 runs per week and you’ll gradually, safely and confidently run towards your 3 or 5km goal in 8-weeks. But I completely understand that some weeks this just isn’t possible. If you can only make time for 1 or 2 runs per week, that’s still an amazing achievement, you’re making time for you, and that’s so important. It might just take you 10 weeks, rather than 8 weeks and that’s absolutely fine. It’s all about finding a routine that works for you.

What was one tip / piece of advice that changed your running style?

Steph: “Taking breaks doesn’t mean you’ve failed” - I used to think that ‘going for a run’ meant that I had to head out the door and run for as long as possible - big mistake! Whenever I’d do this, I’d be feeling so defeated and it would take my body so long to recover. I never looked forward to my runs - because honestly, they weren’t enjoyable. I’d compare myself to other runners, and I’d end my run feeling deflated, with no sign of the runner’s high. But when we launched KICRUN, my mindset completely changed. I learnt that starting slow was important and that it was okay (and completely normal) to take breaks to catch my breath. The first run in our 0-5km KICRUN program starts with 30 second runs and 90 second walking breaks, it’s so achievable. I never thought I would be able to run 5km (and actually enjoy it!), but I did it. I was able to gradually build up my fitness and endurance safely and confidently. Plus, I had my bestie, Laura, in my ear, cheering me on every step of the way - which we love!


How do you set achievable goals when you begin to run? Should you be focusing on time over distance for example?

Laura: Start with your why. Having a purpose for your training will help motivate you on the days you want to hit snooze or when you’re finding your runs difficult. For me, my why is connected to my mental health. Running is my form of meditation, it’s my stress relief, my mood booster. Whenever I have a busy day ahead, I’ll try to make time for a run because the difference in my mood is truly night and day.

If you’re just starting out, setting a big goal like 3km or 5km is very achievable. But you need to break it down into short term goals to get you there. For example, each week I will commit to 3 x runs per week, where I gradually increase my time/distance and in 8 weeks I’ll be able to run 5km.

When you’re training for a goal, no matter how far, it’s important to vary your runs so that your body is being loaded differently across the week. Mixing things up between slow runs, interval runs and long runs - it might sound confusing, but if you follow a program (like KICRUN!!) it takes the guesswork out of your training.


Have you noticed that running has positively impacted other elements of your wellness routine?

Laura: Absolutely! Running can reshape your daily habits in such positive ways. I know for me, when I start my day with a run, my levels of productivity, mood and concentration levels are incomparable to the days when I’ve hit that snooze button too many times.

I’m currently training for the New York Marathon, I’ll be heading over with the New Balance team - which is an absolute dream come true!! So avoiding injury is a top priority for me. I’ve learnt that resistance training - like strength and Pilates - is SO important for runners (of all levels), so my training has motivated me to squeeze in 1-2 Kic strength/ Pilates classes each week, on top of my runs. I’m also empowered to fuel my body with wholesome, nutritious food to help power me through my runs. Running has a flow on effect to all areas of my life - it goes far beyond the physical benefits.

How do you hope this partnership with New Balance will inspire your community and those new to running to give it a try?

Steph: We hope this partnership with New Balance shows our community that running can be accessible to anyone who has the ability to run. It doesn’t matter if you hated school cross country or the beep test - trust me, I never saw myself as a runner, but now I can confidently run 5km. All you need is a good pair of shoes, a supportive community, and the right mindset. Through KICRUN, we want to break down the barriers and make running feel less intimidating. Our goal is to inspire people to get out there, run their way, and see the incredible benefits it can bring to both their physical and mental well-being. With New Balance by our side, we’re excited to help even more people discover how good running can make you feel - no matter where they’re starting from.


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