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Paris Hilton is now a designer — her first collection? The workwear at Australia Zoo

First, she revamped The White House, turning it her signature Barbie pink. Now Paris Hilton has her sights set on another landmark: Australia Zoo. After all, she's a woman that wears many hats — all spangled with diamantés — and now she can add designer to that resume once she's finished with the Irwin family. Uber Eats has hired the Y2K icon as part of its 'Tonight I'll be eating' campaign to give those well-worn Khaki zoo uniforms a little sprucing up. Which is just another way of saying, Paris Hilton is rendering the cargo pants and workwear top bubblegum pink or Khakaé as she dubs it in the accompanying video. And just in time for Afterpay Australian Fashion Week too!

Wearing a hot pink romper and clutching two of her many pet chihuahua's, Hilton announces her new post. Delivering us visions of the early noughties Paris Hilton we came to know and love. Crocodiles, giraffes and kangaroos are layered over gaudy pink silk and shimmering lights. While the music is comically sensual and wouldn't be out of place with rose petals and lit tealight candles.

Speaking of her new role for Uber Eats, Paris Hilton said, "It’s been a delight working with Australian creatives on a finished product that I think is totally awesome and that I am really proud of".

"I cannot wait to visit Australia again soon!" she added. Us too Paris. We only hope we're next in line for one of her candy-flavoured makeovers.

You can watch Paris Hilton in the Uber Eats campaign below. In the meantime, all we can say is someone needs to get Bob Irwin in one STAT.

The devil works hard but Paris Hilton works harder. Read about her 11:11 Media company here. And find out where to watch her infamous cooking show here.

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