
Your October 2024 horoscopes have landed: Here’s what’s in store for this month

Eclipse season is on its last stretch, where the primordial waters of the future and past merge, and the greatest act we can execute is to surrender to the forces beyond. The New Moon eclipse in Libra beckons on October 3rd, inviting us to rejoice in all things Libra, which includes art, beauty, pleasure, and meaningful conversation. As the Libra muse passes the torch to the spicy Scorpions on October 23rd, we have an excuse to hunker down and explore the forbidden temptations that seek us out in the dark.

We all have secret desires and edgier sides to our personality that crave the limelight, and the Scorpion muses like Doja Cat, Lorde, and SZA give us permission to accept and indulge in them under the cover of darkness. So, will you dare to dive in? Slip these dates in your diary: October 3rd New Moon eclipse in Libra, October 9th Jupiter Gemini Retrograde, October 17th Full Moon in Aries, October 23rd Sun moves into Scorpio.


Your relationship zone splits open as dramatically as Moses parting the sea. The New Moon eclipse in Libra is a defining reset that might leave your ears ringing, setting the tone for at least the next six months of magnetising new people into your life who could play significant roles in your soul’s growth. As long as you don’t let your ego get in the way and move with an open heart, these special connections can turn into stardust. Soon followed up with a Full Moon in Aries, this will unleash the full tank of your inner power. Take the world by storm.



With all of those personal reinventions you did last month, you can finally feel more grounded in knowing what you want and where you want to go. Jupiter Gemini in retrograde goes down in your house of resources and values, helping you focus on making money in ways that feel creative and rejuvenating rather than just for paying your bills. Note the 17th on your diary as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, potentially adding spunk and spice to your connections, bringing the mojo back to long-term partnerships, or an Instagram DM turning into an offline rendezvous.



When it comes to the dating arena, what do you look for? The New Moon eclipse in Libra sprinkles fresh energy into your dating zone, so much so that your train crush might actually take the plunge to approach you, or better yet, you might find the courage to strike up a conversation. As Jupiter is currently in your sign, the retrograde journey may take you on a trajectory of figuring out how your mind wants to expand and what old theories and beliefs are ready for a rebirth.



Relationships are super dosed with intimacy, and your search for home may take you on a new mystic venture as the New Moon eclipse in Libra takes place in your house of unconscious emotions and ancestral ties. New friends may become family in a flash, new ancestral stories fall down from the family tree, and your concept of home is redefined. As long as you call yourself your ‘first’ home, the love you’ll give and receive can blossom from a grounded place. Have you been working hard to transition your career into a new promising place? Pay attention to the Full Moon in Aries as it can shine a light on how far your efforts are coming along.



Just before Pluto moves back to Aquarius next month, it’s doing the last round of spring cleaning regarding your working habits and what it means to dedicate more time to living more slowly and intentionally. Purification and cleansing are your best bet to feel embodied and clear-minded, so you can get ready for the holiday season bright-eyed and ready to step onto the dance floor. As Scorpio season presides in your zone of home and belonging, this is a profound time to invest your precious love in a select few, setting off a series of heart-opening healing you didn’t even know you needed. Show your wounds for the medicine to nourish you without limits.



Last month you might have been in an endless loop of existential questioning, but now you can see through the illusions and get back into your architect role. What do you want to craft, design, and sculpt? With Jupiter retrograde in Gemini in your house of public standing and vocation, you can get a lot of outside feedback on how the world receives your talents and may even reflect back talents you didn’t think you had. The only task at hand is to take everything in with curiosity and spot the ‘signs’ as your higher self is right by your side.



As the last eclipse of the year is in your zodiac sign, we have to relook at the last eclipse in Libra for the first part of the story. So, what happened around March 25th? As the Full Moon eclipse in Libra may have given you some feedback about who you say you are, and what statement you wish to make to the world. Now this New Moon eclipse in Libra this month can help you regain some perspective of yourself and call all the pieces of yourself back home so that you get to channel this renewed confidence into your life, your deepest desires, and your wildest dreams.



What do you want to call in for your new birthday year? First, start with how you want to feel, as this month will stir up the whispers in your soul, and it’s never been more clear about how you want to live your life on your own terms and you’ll soon see how quickly the world responds. The New Moon eclipse in Libra can help you close old chapters of the past, so you can truly manifest exactly what's on your vision board of the future without feeling burdened by trying to tie up loose ends.



By dropping the corporate jargon and simply being yourself, you can win over a string of new clients and contracts. Just make sure they are speaking the same language as you when Jupiter in Gemini goes retrograde. Venus, the muse of pleasure and decadence, moves into your sign on the 18th, blessing you with potential new chances for travel, creative rejuvenation, and new financial opportunities. Ride on luck, and walk as if you have no doubt in your mind that the doors of fate can’t open in a moment's notice.



The New Moon eclipse in Libra is a huge moment to reset your career desires, where you want to be, and how you want to design a new role with a new mission statement stamped in ink. All the old dreams might actually look stale and outdated to you now, so give yourself and your imagination permission to get experimental. Eclipses don’t require ‘realism’; the only input it needs is to stand firm in possibility. If you start as you mean to go on, it’ll even propel you into 2025 with a fabulous new vision.



The days are growing shorter, and the crisp air signals a time for reflection. Since last month, Pluto in Capricorn has been showing you what’s been in your psyche and what needs to be shed for you to build sustaining and fruitful structures and foundations in your life. Scorpio season helps you get even deeper and more honest, unlocking new levels of power and esteem that can help you slash through any obstacle or challenge slowing you down. With the Full Moon in Aries on the 17th, your mental faculties are sharp as a razor, making you quick on your feet and wickedly strategic about how you conquer your next set of ambitions.



October is an invitation for you to go off the grid and get irresistibly lost in your fascinations, bond intimately, and share secrets that only a couple of souls will ever know. What grabs your attention when you’re offline and open to take in the world? The New Moon eclipse in Libra is your golden ticket to get this prized question answered. Write some poetic notes and slip them into your beau’s or bestie's bedside book. It’s these meaningful gestures that count far more than the grander displays of affection.




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Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash