
The New Moon in Scorpio wants you to take a big deep breath

After an astrologically chaotic October, many of us are awaiting our refreshing New Moon on 1 November. Arriving at it's least visible point at 11:47pm AEDT, this New Moon falls in Scorpio. Expect the sky to be barren except for the star as we enter November and the final stage of the year.


Here's what you can expect from November's New Moon in Scorpio

This New Moon feels well timed. Expect this moment to be the purifying reset we all need to head into the rest of the year with our intentions set.

October was a trying month. Eclipse season, Supermoon season, Retrograde season and the erratic Mars/Moom/Pluto T-square combined to create a particular intense set of circumstances. But as always, the New Moon is a point of refresh. As the energetic dip of the Moon Cycle, it is here that our past Moon Cycle comes to a close and a new one begins. This is why New Moons are always consider the best and most effective time of the month to set intentions and engage in manifestations. Think of it a little bit like planting your seeds in spring and then being able to watch them grow as the weather warms.

Luckily for us, this New Moon will feel particularly refreshing as it arrives in Water sign Scorpio. Calculating, vindictive and deeply seductive, you'd be forgiven for thinking Scorpio is a Fire sign. It's because many people forget that at its core Scorpio has a highly developed sense of empathy, they're just more collected in how they show this to the world. Scorpio is a sign that has an excellent read of people, is intensely loyal to its friends and has a rich reservoir of emotional capacity. Our New Moon in Scorpio opens us up to this energy, allowing our spirits to bathe in a cooling, freshwater spring. Now that the dust has settled, here, we can truly begin to wash it all off.

If you already have strong Water sign placements in your natal chart, this moment in time will feel especially revitalising. Especially when we consider our Sun and Mercury also in Scorpio. Plus, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and then Mars in Cancer. The sky is abundant with strong Water placements imbuing us with a heightened sense of compassion and connection. We'll feel a strong desire for closeness and increased capacity for deeper relationships with friends and partners. Scorpio is not a sign that does things in halves, so do not be surprised if your inner self is craving meaningful emotional exchanges now more so than ever.


What to watch out for during the New Moon in Scorpio

This cleansing and refreshing New Moon is relatively pitfall free. Be sure to enjoy it while it lasts. Not long after, Mercury moves into Sagittarius and Mars moves into Leo, bring the drama back again. So, definitely take the time to enjoy the meditative, energetic hum of the New Moon in Scorpio while it lasts. Reset, recalibrate and take a big deep breath. Light a candle, write in your manifestation journal and breathe easily amongst the spirit of renewal.

For those with strong Scorpio and Cancer placements, the only potential point for you to come undone is in new relationship - be it a new friendship or a blooming romance. Scorpio is an intense sign that craves physicality and deep emotional connect. A Moon influenced by Scorpio can encourage us to jump ahead a few steps in relationships, and lay our hearts out for all to see. It is an admirable trait that Water signs are so ready to commit themselves. But it does leave you open to being hurt and badly.

If you find yourself rushing into something new too quickly, remind yourself to take a couple of steps back. It is so tempting to give yourself over fully, especially as Scorpio will have your inner self crying out that shallower connections are not satisfying enough. But there is wisdom to be found in proceeding with caution.



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Image:  Bruno on Unsplash