What is your favourite springtime moment, and how do you mark its arrival? Un-ironically, this is the shimmering season to welcome in a fresh spring clean. Out with the old, and in with the new. And, if you’re surrounded by any Virgo muses, you can probably catch onto their neurotic stylistic lens of hygiene and organisation. But alas, one thing that cannot be denied is their natural flair of excellence. According to an astro data bank, Madonna, Bella Hadid, Doja Cat and Serena Williams are all Moon in Virgo muses.
Visualise this New Moon in Virgo on 11.39am (AEST) on September 15th, as a window of opportunity to soak in crystal clear clarity through your pores. Whether it’s prioritising new goals against long standing ambitions, you can begin to scope out what real success looks and feels like to you. To get the creative cauldron stirring, a key question you can ask yourself is "how is this goal serving the bigger picture of my future trajectory?" Once you double down on the specifics, it will give you the fuel you need to keep your eyes on the path without speculating about the footsteps of anyone else.
Creating a healthy relationship with discipline
No one likes a Miss Trunchbull take on discipline, and this New Moon in Virgo is the perfect portal to rewrite your philosophy on how to shape discipline in your life with the utmost care to refrain from throwing yourself into the lion's den of the inner critic. We all deserve to validate and restore ourselves from all the solitude days of dedication. Be your own witness and applause by giving yourself miniature treats no matter how small the task is. Remember, what matters most is how we can show up to our sacred work with an overflowing cup. Perhaps, the key to living a #softlife is seeing our consistent practices as an act of self devotion.
Be mindful of burnout
Once you’ve plotted out your goals and how you’re going to achieve them, the trick to staying the course is optimising how you manage your energetic output. In a culture that often normalises burnout, it’s all too easy to get carried away with our to-do list. Take some time to connect with your body to check in with how you feel. Before you extend yourself to a friend or colleague, ask yourself "does your nervous system feel grounded and regulated?" Sometimes even popping in a disclaimer that you’ll come back to them within 48 hours can help us to tune into whether we have the capacity to support. Sacrificing our health in the process of pursuing the golden goose, doesn’t need to be a part of the pact. Remember, your body is the creative vessel and it often speaks to us in loud but subtle ways. How can you give your creative ideas a supreme environment to anchor in on?
Refining your schedule
The signage of ‘every second counts’ in season 2 of The Bear rings true for this New Moon. Typically, Virgo’s are the maestros of micromanagement, and the first point of call is to alchemise a messy calendar into a clean one. As you feel a boost of energy to commit to your fever dreams, it’s wonderful to have a solid foundation you can work with. Use this New Moon to screen your priorities to eliminate what is non-essential. Cultivating a refined schedule can actually give you the brain space to make space for more exciting prospects. Your time is your energy, and it’s a resource that can’t be bought back. Simply ask yourself "How would a (kinder) Wilhelmina Slater manage her diary?"
Clear your space
Once you've taken control of your schedule, your space – and specifically your desk – is the next stage. I don't know about you, but my desk is a direct reflection on how chaotically distracted my mind may feel. And so, when I have a clear and fresh space, it’s the ultimate canvas to take action on my goals. With some simple Feng Shui practices, it's possible to transform your home instantly for little to no cost – and guess what? It can all be sealed and executed in less than a day. Feng Shui means wind and water, and the practice is to transmute any negative 'sha qi', and welcome positive energy into your home.
Committing to your boundaries
Word is bond. And, this New Moon in Virgo doubles down on how much you respect and honour remaining true to your word. However, this can also be a catch 22 if your boundaries are slippery. It’s easy to tie our self worth with our ability to be ‘seen’ as valuable. And this can be seen through how much we overcommit ourselves to serve. Regardless of whether it’s reciprocated or even acknowledged. Think about a situation where you overextended yourself to a project or person, and how depleted you felt afterwards. Before you can help anyone else, make sure that you feel full of care, warmth and consideration for yourself. But also remember there’s no shame in loving how you take care of other people, your intuitive touch is a masterpiece in itself.
Define your own measures of success
Once we’ve poured our heart and soul into our intentions, the lingering question is figuring out how to define our parameters of success. Comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s crucial that your success isn’t dependent on the perception of those you admire. As you carve out new intentions, give yourself the space to collect your own data to intuit when things are going well, and when a potential pivot is needed. This way you can move from a grounded sense of inner security that guards you from pinning yourself on to standards that will never be able to measure your truest points of growth.
Have a Virgo friend in your life? Here is a foolproof Virgo gift guide filled with all the best gift selections for your Virgo friends and family.
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash