Our next New Moon arrives in the early hours of the morning. It comes at exactly 4:49am AEST on 3rd October 2024. As such it will appear to be new on both the evenings of the 2nd and 3rd. Falling in the Air sign of Libra, the New Moon will shroud us in its balancing energy.
Of course, this is no ordinary New Moon - this particular one comes with a Solar Eclipse. Unfortunately, for avid star gazers the eclipse will only be visible to this in the lower parts of South America, but we will feel its effects none the less.
What to expect from the New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse?
New Moons are always considered a time of reset. This is the point where the previous Moon Cycle comes to a close and the new one begins. This time is associated with rebirth and renewal. A Solar Eclipse is a magnification of this experience. Solar Eclipses can mean big energetic shifts, new beginnings and deep change - which is usually for the the better. Perhaps a toxic relationship will come to a amicable close? A better job could be on the horizon. Maybe you'll receive some positive health news. Whatever it is, the transformations from a Solar Eclipse usually tend to lead to bigger and better things. But as with all new beginnings, you must leave your old path behind - especially with this Eclipse happening at the South Node which is said to represent your past. It can be deeply emotional, but will assist you to grow into yourself and move forward with intention.
We are also under the influence of Libra at this time, with our Moon, Sun and Mercury conjunct in this sign. Libra's balanced yet rambunctious energy will be felt through our inner and outer selves. And it will also be the influencing force in our communication at this time. In a word, Libra is fun. Libra is a charmer, flirt and a diplomat. This highly social creature craves company and has a penchant for aesthetics and beauty. Of course, at its worst, Libra is manipulative and horribly indecisive. And it's these energies that will flow through our experience of the New Moon.
Libra hates conflict, and this will assist you in making the changes you need to make with peace, gratitude and balance. A Libra New Moon is an excellent time to cultivate a new romantic relationship or even a new friendship. With Libra activating your social side, you'll feel able to freely be yourself and put your best foot forward when meeting new people. New connections formed at this time may even feel fated? Just be sure not to be too indecisive, lest the things you want leave you before you can make a decision.
Remember also that New Moons are the best time during the Moon Cycle for manifestations. As this is the energetic low point, here is the point to sow the seeds of intention to help you grow a brighter future. And with our Solar Eclipse at play, it will be an even more powerful time for manifesting.
What to be cautious of during the New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse
Ultimately, this is a resoundingly positive moment in time that will lead you down a new path towards bigger and better things. But when we look to the rest of the sky, we should be cautious of our tempers.
Mars forms a tense square with our Sun, Moon and Mercury. A Sun square Mars is not a bad aspect, it can make us more assertive and confident - an excellent energy to bring into a new start. However, sometimes this can make us act without thinking of the feelings of others. Be extra mindful of those you care about at this time. Especially since the Moon square Mars often comes with an intense need to have exactly what you want regardless of who it impacts. Mercury square Mars can also make us brash, perhaps making us prone to speaking before we've fully thought through what we're saying.
For those with heavy fire influences in their chart, you'll likely be more prone to experiencing these moments of leaping before looking. Of course, tense aspects are exactly what we make them. Pay extra mind to the feelings of those around you, and consider what you say before you say it. Especially around your Earth and Water friends.
Be ready to walk into your next phase with gratitude.
Image: Justin Dickey on Unsplash