Our next New Moon falls on 29 January. It will disappear from the sky entirely late in the evening – at exactly 11:35pm AEDT. Arriving at the peak of Aquarius season, this New Moon also falls in Aquarius. It is a moment that will inspire innovation, but also have us attempting to rationalise the abstract.
The New Moon is the energetic reset of the Moon Cycle. It is a spiritual cleanse of sorts, bring the themes and moods of the previous period to a close – and allowing us to enter the next cycle afresh. New possibilities and aspirations are all on the cards as the New Moon provides the perfectly tiled soil for you to plant your seeds of intention. New Moons are always regarded as the most potent time of the Moon Cycle to engage in manifestations.
What are the astrological influences for this New Moon?
As this Moon sits in Aquarius, it meets the Sun, Mercury and Pluto which are all also placed in this Air sign. Undeniably, Aquarian energy will be the dominating tone at this time, influencing our inner and outer selves, our communications and the way we deal with change. Aquarius is the innovator and is considered the most intellectual of the zodiac. It is a sign that leans towards rationality and stoicism, preferring to assess situations dispassionately rather than getting caught up in subjective nuance. Esoteric to its core, Aquarius loves a niche hobby or and obscure film. It is boundary-pushing energy that can help us reflect on our positions in a new way.
Of course, this New Moon also marks the start of a new Lunar New Year – the reset point as we move into the Year of the Snake. Ultimately, it will be the perfect time to take stock of where you are at in life, and Aquarius will allow us to do this in an objective way.
The Moon governs our innermost selves – prepare for much of the change at stake to happen intrinsically. Perhaps profound self-examination concerning your current life path, or even just an assessment of what you decide to put your energy into? Although, it could be more tangible like re-evaluating a fading relationship or considering a bold new business idea.
Either way, Aquarius nudges you to critically assess necessary transformations from an unbiased perspective.
We'll be able to take moments of reflection and spark change without the intense emotional upheaval.
The alignment of the Sun, Mercury (the communicator), and Pluto (the transformer) also in Aquarius forms a potent mix that encourages decisive action toward personal evolution. Also remember that Aquarius is often considered a revolutionary. In times of strife, Aquarius time and time again rides out to meet adversity head on. This is not a time to get weighed down in the details, but instead to take action to create the world that you want for the future. Remember, it's only through immense pressure that diamonds can form. Some of best ideas and beautiful moments come from adversity.
Don't forget to switch off when you need
Remember that Aquarian energy loves to be nourished with unique brand of quirky creativity. If you need a break from the demands of the world, retreating into an afternoon MUBI viewing or perusing a vintage book store will feel especially cathartic. Don't feel guilty if you need to retreat into the depths of fantasy series, NASA press releases or gaming subreddits in order to fill your cup.
Is there anything to watch out for? Yes, mind your manners.
That Aquarius in Mercury placement can make us unusually blunt, especially if you're already prone to having a sharp tongue. We're looking at you Scorpio and Aries! Take some extra care when having sensitive conversations, especially if you're talking to your Water sign friends.
The key message for this New Moon. Keep your ambitions front of mind, stay receptive to the transformative energies the universe – and restore yourself when you need to so you can be ready to fight later on.