Mars retrograde is one of those rare cosmic commotions that happens roughly every two years, so the lessons it brings tend to be long-lasting. This Mars retrograde is the final retrograde of the year, falling between December 7th, 2024 AEDT, and February 24th, 2025, covers two signs (Leo and then backslides into Cancer) it’ll bring its own unique mix of lessons. Essentially, Mars retrogrades are about assessing how you use your creative drive and willpower in service of your destiny.
We can't reach our destinies if we constantly get distracted or lost in the kool-aid of procrastination. Some of us might need to take a detour to realise we're on the wrong path, while others might feel the pull to be still and avoid overexertion. And some of us may need to double down on our efforts.
Commit with your heart
Mars is all about our instincts and desires, driving us forward with passion and energy. When we feel disconnected from this primal force, it can have a significant impact on our lives. We may find ourselves giving up on our creative ambitions, feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Our efforts might become half-hearted. So, channel this Mars retrograde to see what is dousing out your fire, so that you can bring more heat to the flame.
Living by your own rules
This Mars retrograde is a perfect opportunity to cleanse yourself of goals and ambitions that may have been shaped by peer pressure or family expectations. Take a moment to reflect on what truly makes you happy. When was the last time you pursued something purely because it brought you joy? This is your chance to reconnect with your genuine desires and realign your path with what truly feels aligned on a mind/body/spirit level.
Exiling procrastination
Sometimes we don’t go after the life we want out of fear. Whether it’s fear of success or fear of failure, or a combination of both. Mars knows you’re worthy and capable of achieving whatever you envision. So, when you find yourself in the abyss of self-doubt, get active. Sign up for martial arts classes, take that theatre class you’ve been contemplating all year, or try something new that excites you. Switch up your energy and take bold steps to overcome your fears. Your courage is the most important tool in your arsenal between now and as we enter into the new aeon of 2025.
The power of boredom
Feeling bored and taking action is a fine art, as contradictory as it sounds sometimes no action is needed and the best remedy is actually sinking deeper into our boredom. According to some research a specific type of boredom called ‘profound boredom’ could be life changing. Although profound boredom can be uncomfortable, it often serves as a catalyst for reevaluating one's life and taking action to resolve its root causes. But, distracting ourselves with social media can interfere with this process of experiencing the gift of being in this liminal but transformative space. In short, those big a-ha moment you’ve been yearning for is actually befriending your boredom.