
Jupiter trine Pluto is the time to let go of what isn’t working and lean into your creative side

celestial sky blue and purple

The Jupiter trine Pluto transit will commence on June 2, 2024 in Australia. The last time we saw these two transformative forces in a trine aspect was in 2016, but the planets were in Earth signs, and now they're in air signs. Air signs make everything cerebral, so you can be sure that it’s time to adopt a new attitude about an area of your life that needs a fresh approach. Even though the planets will perfectly align in early June, we’ll feel its effects for the next few weeks.

What is a trine aspect?

A trine aspect is when two planets are in synchronicity with each other. This is because they are sharing the same element – earth, water, fire or air – meaning that the planets are working towards the same agenda and outcome. This type of aspect is easy and free-flowing, so it approaches whatever it touches gently.

When will the next trine aspect be?

The next time we'll see this aspect is in 2028, so make use of it. This cycle is most powerful if you have key planets/angles between 1-5 degrees of Gemini or Aquarius. Let’s take a look at how you can harness this transit over the coming weeks using wisdom from one of cultures recent zeitgeisty books by Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act.


Transform what isn’t working

This is a great time to identify the areas of your life that feel like they're withering away, where something that once offered vitality now feels like a dead weight. It's time to channel your energy into thinking of new ideas on how to regenerate them, rather than leaving it to chance to work out on its own. This could be the way you've been working, changing the programs you've been using to help with your workflow, or even giving extra attentiveness to how you've been communicating in your relationships.

.“Being an artist means to be continually asking, “How can it be better?” whatever it is. It may be your art, and it may be your life.”
― Rick Rubin


Bringing light to your shadow way of thinking

Pluto represents the underground of our unconscious, the habits and behaviors that we aren’t consciously aware of. Our financial and relationship patterns we just can’t logically understand. Jupiter can bring light to what needs to be unearthed so that our perceptions aren't clouded by unhelpful bias. This helps us have a fresh outlook on the world around us and the people in it. The image of the ‘Fool’ card in tarot comes to mind. The fool knows when it needs to venture out of his own mental boundaries and is ready to encounter new ways of thinking.

“There’s an abundant reservoir of high-quality information in our subconscious, and finding ways to access it can spark new material to draw from.”
― Rick Rubin


Showcasing your ideas and art more publicly

This is a great time for artists, creatives, and writers to put their work out into the world. Art sparks conversation, introduces new paradigms of thought, and, most importantly, provides an avenue to delve more deeply into ourselves. Both of these planets can help give you the confidence to share your work and ideas, transforming others in the process. Your work isn’t just for you; it's meant to elevate other people's hearts and minds.

“One of the greatest rewards of making art is our ability to share it. Even if there is no audience to receive it, we build the muscle of making something and putting it out into the world.” ― Rick Rubin


A glimpse into the future

One thing about air signs is that they are visionary; they are detached from our present reality and can see beyond the single frame of the moment. With an expansive planet like Jupiter and a transformative one like Pluto, some of us may receive really visionary ideas that we may not know where to place initially. You don’t have to work on them straight away. In fact, I recommend that you marinate in them for a while and see what your heart is truly invested in committing to. Most visionary ideas are ahead of their time, so don’t worry if other people don’t get it; it came to you for a reason.

"We are required to believe in something that doesn’t exist in order to allow it to come into being." ― Rick Rubin





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Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash