
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini will bring forward a fresh perspective you may have been ignoring

Jupiter is going into retrograde in Gemini from 9 October 2024 to 4 February 2025. Since Jupiter’s ingress into the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini on May 26 this year, for the first time since summer 2013, it has marked a year of unlearning what no longer holds true for each of us, emphasising the need for critical thinking now more than ever, and provisions to stay true to our voice no matter who challenges it.

Jupiter, the planet of jovial expansion, illuminates vast potential, both great and shadow, in whatever sign it occupies. Particularly in the mutable air sign of Gemini, Jupiter is said to be in its ‘fall,’ meaning it has its own unique synchronised dance that may introduce more questions than answers. This new perspective, which may sit in your blind spots, brings awareness to things you didn’t know existed about yourself. As Jupiter goes retrograde, these themes might have an uncanny valley effect in your life, especially in the house Gemini rules in your birth chart.


Questioning your beliefs

Some of you may wonder where you even picked up the thoughts and opinions you’ve gathered across time. We’re exposed to so many different pundit takes that it can become quite tricky to determine whether we’ve formed our own original opinions or merely absorbed someone else’s. Authenticity isn’t just who we claim to be; it’s also in the way we think. This is a great time to shed all the unnecessary dialogues that have been setting up camp in your mind. Clear out the space with some palo santo and start afresh.


Embracing the duality within you

Remember, the Gemini totem is the ‘twins,’ signalling a cosmic invitation to embrace your contradictions and question the misconceptions you hold about yourself. In psychology, the concept of the ‘self-concept’ refers to an individual’s perceptions of themselves. Which is a fundamental aspect of one's overall sense of self and influences how a person interacts with the world, makes decisions, and relates to others. Anything you used to judge yourself for is about to be swept away, allowing you to achieve a better sense of ‘wholeness’ within who you are, and how you redefine your ‘self-concept’ warts and all.


Unapologetically finding your voice

When have you felt truly heard in your life? What did you say or do that made those moments significant? Whatever your answers, now is the prime time to explore them. If there are conversations you feel have been impending, you might find an urgency to have them. Give yourself the chance to speak your mind. Tend to the fearful inner child in you that may still carry psychic triggers about the potential shifts that could come with speaking the truth, and know that you will feel lighter and better for it in the end. You’re more resilient than you think.




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