
What’s in store for you during July’s New Moon in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer

Arriving on 6th July, our New Moon brings a moment for recalibration. At its least visible point early on the 6th at approximately 8:57am AEST, both Friday 5th and Saturday 6th will appear to have moon-less nights.

Our New Moon will fall in the Water Sign Cancer, leaving us feeling perhaps more delicate than we normally would. All the while, inviting in a renewed sense of creativity. Here's what you need to know about our July New Moon 2024.


What should I expect from the July New Moon in Cancer?

Our energies ebb and flow throughout the Moon Cycle. If you imagine it like a wave or bell curve, the Full Moon would be crest of the wave, while the New Moon would be the valley.

As the energetic low point, this offers us an opportunity to take stock of our surroundings and our mental state, and then think carefully about what we want to take with us into the next phase. This point of renewal and rebirth is the best time to engage in manifestations. Here is the time where you can sew the seeds of intention, that will be ready for harvest in the next energetic cycle.

New Moons of course are always conjunct with the Sun. As such, both planets are sitting in the middle of Cancer – a combination that threatens to turn even the most social Libra into a homebody. Cancer is a sign that craves sanctuary. Deeply sensitive, nurturing and somewhat moody, Cancer is a sign that is sometimes too gentle for the harshness of the world.

The Sun rules our outward self, while the Moon rules our inner selves, and we'll be feeling the pull for the safety of home on both side of ourselves. Remember too that Cancer is a highly creative sign. With Saturn and Neptune both retrograding in Pisces, the energy of this moment will be practically begging you to colour outside of the lines.

We also have ruler of love, Venus, languishing in Cancer – and this is an intense placement. Venus in Cancer propels us to make deep emotional connections, as you'll know if you have this placement in your natal chart.

Cancer is not quick to give away its heart, but when it does, it does so fully and wholly, so the fallout of betrayal cuts deep. Venus in Cancer is also a combination that does not deal with rejection well, and sees your feelings hurt with greater ease, so take precautions on bold declarations of love at this time.


How to approach this moment?

Tread lightly, tread softly and embrace self care. The Cancer placements of this moment will have you full embracing JOMO (the joy of missing out). Especially if you have a Water Sun Sign, you'll be ready to seek sanctuary at home and cancel all your commitments to binge season 3 of The Bear.

We'll all be feeling more sensitive than normal, this goes not just for Water Signs, but Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will feel particularly tender.

Our normally boldly confident Leo could find themselves in need of verbal validation, and with moods running high, your craving for affection might manifest in the wrong way. Try to self actualise instead.

Sagittarius will be craving intimacy. If you need to catch up with friends or want more attention from your partner, its best just to be honest rather than leaves breadcrumbs for them to follow.

Virgo could be hit with a pang of emptiness. Comparing yourself to others is an easy pathway to feeling unfulfilled, and at a time of heightened sensitivities, maybe quit your Instagram scrolling and budgeting spreadsheets and retreat into a book instead.

The best advice for all of us this new moon in Cancer would be to enjoy your time of introversion and channel this into a creative pursuits. Start writing your novel, get into painting, watch that abstract movie that's been on your list, go to clay and sip class.

Remember that New Moons are a time for rebirth and manifestation. This the best time to put your energy and focus into your passions so you can watch your creation grow and flourish. Do try not to engage in something that's designed to be monetised. Do something just for you, and allow your self to envision what could be.


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