
Your July 2024 horoscopes have landed: Find out what’s in store for the month ahead

dark pink and purple comets and stars

We’re halfway into the year—can you believe it? Unlike last year, this July is free of Venus retrograde, so you could absolutely experience a smoother (or multiple) summer love rendezvous. Leo season takes over from July 22nd, giving you the yearly excuse to be your most diva’ish self in the room, adding a diamond touch and glamour to everything you do. Pull out that ‘Freakum dress’ from the back of your wardrobe and own it in true Lioness style. If you need a Leo manual, follow in the footsteps of the musical 'Leo' mystics Madonna and Dua Lipa, both patronesses of astrology and mysticism. In the meantime, map out these cosmic dates in your calendar: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces begins on the 2nd, the New Moon in Cancer is on the 6th, and the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st.


July focuses on your fifth house, highlighting your erotic needs and creative drive. Listen intently to what inspires you. When was the last time you allowed your desires to be satiated? Your sense of aliveness is being struck like lightning, so let the blasts leave their mark. When Venus moves into Leo on the 12th, remember how being in beautiful spaces deepens your appreciation for simply existing. With some planets still in your house of home, this is an invitation to add some aphrodisiac touches to your space. Paint the scene; you’re the main character. Last month’s Full Moon in Capricorn, followed by another this month on the 21st, is part two of stepping into mastery in your career. Success is both a goal and a feeling, so tap into that.


When the warrior planet Mars enters Gemini on the 21st, you'll be in full prose with your creative edge. Mars in Gemini wants to give you the freedom to follow your curious impulses - even when you’re well situated in the confines or prison of your comfort zone. Now, you don’t have a choice but to be pushed out especially with Jupiter also in Gemini in your house of local travel. This is an active summer to visit the places where your inner muses send you. Consider what responsibilities feel more stifling than a cultivation of your own expansion. What does it look like to renegotiate the terms and conditions of some commitments? Take the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st as an invitation to redefine the ethos of your beliefs that keep your cultured senses on mute.


With the New Moon in Cancer nurturing your house of resources and self-worth on the 6th, you might realize where you’ve been neglecting your basic needs. When you go out on one of your whimsical escapades, you sometimes don’t realize the energetic cost. By topping up on your TLC, summer will shine in full glory, opening doors of possibility and allure of the unknown. When Mars moves into your home sign on the 21st, you'll be well-resourced to see what new business alliances and collaborations align with your creativity and innovation. You might be signing new contracts by the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st. Don’t rush; wait at least a week after signing anything to ensure your calm nervous system is in full accord with your decision.


New Moons are not just for setting new intentions, it’s about recognising what our intuition tells us. A cosmic opportunity to add respect to its name. As you're ruled by the Moon, your intuitive channels will be in full volume on the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th. Cultivate a deeper sense of trust in who you are and what you know. This is when an apprentice mystic graduates into Cronehood. With Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in Leo in your zone of self-esteem by the 22nd, you’ll likely confront pieces of shame that have convinced you that you can’t have exactly what you want. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st in your house of relationships reveals the roles people play in your life and how they bring out your best and worst traits.


You've been yearning for your birthday season, and it’s almost here. But before Cancer’s rounds of soirees end, the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th helps you heal past wounds that keep stuck with feelings like they are replaying on an endless loop. Use shadow work tools like journaling to identify persistent patterns and experiences. This is a great undoing, a time to step into your creator's shoes and direct the show with more awareness. As Carl Jung once said, "Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." After this, you can relax and welcome your birthday season with a renewed sense of self, ripe and ready to enter your Janet Jackson ‘Control’ era.


Neptune Retrograde sails into your house of relationships, adding spice to your imagination and taking you into Dionysian spiritual ecstasy. As you can imagine, these ingredients make it quite challenging to see people clearly. Until December 8th, you'll awaken to new revelations about your relationship blind spots, so that you can straighten the line where boundaries were once blurred. The best relationships prioritize honesty and conscious communication. With the Full Moon in Capricorn landing in your zone of dating and romantic liaisons on the 21st, you’ll get to choose your crushes with both your head and your heart, which suits your pragmatic self.


On the 2nd, Mercury enters Leo in your eleventh house of community, and the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th roots into your 10th house of career and public roles. It's time to see yourself as a community leader and move out of the shadows. People need to match a voice with a face, and you’ll feel ready to take on more responsibility to do just that. This will free your power from self-doubt, a figment of your overthinking imagination. Use your inner conflict of wanting to be seen and fearing the spotlight by believing that you’re here to speak truth to power. You are ruled by the scales of equality and fairness, after all. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st gives you the ladder to connect with your ancestors, who live in your bones and whose strength you can draw upon.


You don’t need Odin’s hammer to get your foot in the door. With the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th in your house of further education and mentors, consider how you want to expand your knowledge for more career options. But even with the right skills, you'll need the right mentors. Just as Yoda trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force, you can’t make the journey alone. With Leo season igniting your career sphere from the 21st, keep both your mind and heart focused on your career vision. The climb to the top isn't overnight, but you’ll most definitely get to savour the taste of success for much longer.


Joy and laughter are on the menu as Jupiter rages in your house of connections and intimacy. With Mars in Gemini joining Jupiter on the 21st, you’ll likely receive invitations to block parties, spontaneous trips, and global meetups. Remember, you don’t have to be everywhere at once; otherwise, your fun could be cut short. We don’t want any unnecessary mishaps right? The Full Moon in Capricorn in your house of resources and values on the 21st might prompt you to shed commitments or people who have crossed your boundaries recently. Trust your gut, if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.


This month is about balancing "you" with "we." Compromise and patience are your keywords. Just make sure you're not constantly putting your needs aside to meet in the middle of the road. The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th puts you in a new frame of mind regarding who will sit at Queen’s landing table. Even well-intentioned people may not provide the intimacy you crave. Don’t settle for "good enough." Ask for what your heart desires, and you'll have the appropriate litmus test to measure everything that competes for your attention. What did the Full Moon in Capricorn reveal to you around the 22nd of last month? Round two begins on the 21st this month with another Full Moon in Capricorn.


With the New Moon in Cancer entering your house of habits and rituals, reconnect with your body and master the lesson of being in rhythm with time. Often, we rush, feeling pressured in a world ruled by the clock, undercooking what needs deeper craftsmanship. What part of your life are you rushing? Career, romantic connections, finances? Surprisingly, blessings rain down when we stop obsessively watching the clock. With Venus moving into Leo in your house of relationships and collaborations on the 12th, mould your gifts with your hands and heart in slow motion. Your projects could attract some soulful creative partners in the most magical and synchronistic ways.


Neptune Retrograde in Pisces kicks off the month on the 2nd, revealing where you've been too much of a chameleon, absorbing others' personas. Until December 8th, this is a pilgrimage of returning to the great ‘I AM’ . Just like how Jesus walked through the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. It's like a big unveiling of your true self, and yes, it might feel raw. But nevertheless, your idiosyncrasies can be seen by all. Don’t shy away from it. Weird is cool. So, where have you strayed from your own voice? Think of it as a cleansing, a moment in space to detox from all the worldly projections. The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th invites you to step into your inner cocoon. Put your apron on and make some homemade pie, pick a Netflix show, and bask in this personal malaise guilt-free. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st is an offering from the Goddesses, sending people to your aid. A lovely reminder that it's okay to ask for help. You're not a burden. Far from it in fact.





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