We welcome our first Full Moon of 2025 on 14 January. It will reach its fullest point early in the morning at 9:26am AEDT.
But you'll get your best view of it around sunset as it rises and the sky darkens. As the Southern Hemisphere is still enjoying the summer season, the Moon will be sitting closer the the horizon; thus appearing bigger than it normally would. So make sure your eyes are on the sky just before the 8pm sunset.
This particular Full Moon falls in the Water sign Cancer, and it traditionally known as the Wolf Moon. The naming convention comes from Colonial American, Native American and European sources - this Moon would signal the peak of the winter season, where the wolves would be heard howling.
What to expect from the Cancer Full Moon in January astrologically
We know that Full Moons are the energetic high point of the Moon Cycle. They're intense periods, often linked to moodiness, heightened emotions and high energy. Some will also consider Full Moons a moment for deep intrinsic illumination. A time for fostering new ideas, creativity and also revealing the truth behind the situations occurring in your life. With this Moon falling under the influence of Cancer, these typical impacts will be supercharged. The Moon is Cancer's ruling planet, and with this alignment, we'll feel the intensity of both influences increase.
Too often Cancer is maligned as a complainer or crier. Cancer has an emotional depth that outstrips the rest of us. It allows them engage with people at a different level. They have a deep and insightful understanding of the people around them and have a seemingly infinite well of compassion for the problems of the world. It is this rich emotional and empathetic spectrum that gives Cancer its unique creative abilities. Their creative pursuits always feel multidimensional as they layer in their deep understanding of the human experience.
Yes, this is quite an intense energy to fuel an already emotional and moody time. In a way it is also rebirthing. Here, this Moon in Cancer will have us truly in touch with our inner self and our own emotional reservoirs. It can be painful, diving into the pit of feelings you rarely reach out to touch. But ultimately, it is a cleansing process – when managed in a healthy way of course. With Mars conjunct with the Moon (and also in retrograde), this placement softens any aggression that may arise during this process; allowing us to let go and move on in a serene fashion.
Our Moon in Cancer will also inspire a bold sense of creativity – especially if you already have strong Water placements in your natal chart. The book you've been trying to write, a new idea will could come to you. The living room re-orientation you've been umming and ahhing about? You could finally have the energy to pull the trigger. The suite of award season films you've been wanting to dive into? Prepare to feel the inspiration to truly absorb them.
For those with Earth in their big three, you might also find immense comfort from your home. Simple pursuits like gardening or experimenting with a new recipes can offer a homely reprieve from the intensity of the world. Cancerian influences can make us all prone to "bed-rotting" energy, and channeling this into enjoying the simple pleasures of your home can feel cathartic.
Is there anything to watch out for?
The level of emotional intensity brought forth by this Moon could be a lot to handle, particularly if you're already in a fragile space. It's important to nurture yourself and understand your own limits lest you emotionally burn out. Cancerian energy is also highly compassionate, and with the current state of the world, it could be easy to be overwhelmed by tragedy and trauma. Understanding the situations of others and refusing to turn a blind eye to injustice is an admirable quality that we should all embody. But at a certain point, if engaging in the tragedies of the world is harming you, then you may need to take a step back. You need to be whole and well if you're going to continue to fight for and rally behind those who need support.
While Mars also sitting in Cancer at this time will help to round off any of our sharp edges as we look inward, it does have the negative consequence of halting positive action. Mars, our planet of passion and initiative. It encourages us to act and take a leap. But with Mars still in retrograde and the softness of Cancer influencing the planet, its tendency to act and quickly is shrouded. Ultimately, this can lead to indecision and anxiety. If you have a big decision that you're having trouble acting on, maybe leave it for another time when you feel more ready with a clear cut answer.
Look after yourself.
Head to your January horoscopes to see what else is in store for you this month.
Image: Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash