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Journey through Israel and Jordan with Drew Wheeler

Sundown views across sprawling cities, hotel swimming pools and details that remind you of home. Photographer Drew Wheeler shares with RUSSH an intimate portrait of a foreign land.

"A rooftop view of the capital of Jordan, Amman."

"View from the UAE terminal."

"Blue chair, gold chains & silver bollards."

"Hotel swimming pool in Amman."

"An area to leave your shoes when entering the King Abdullah Mosque."

"The natural hot springs of Ma’in, 150 meters below sea level. The steaming water at the core hovers around 60 degrees."

"Two workers wash the grounds of the Ma’in Hotel with their red brooms. Behind the mountain range is the Dead Sea. Behind that, Israel."


"A crack in the landscape gives sight to the Dead Sea."

"Our Bedouin guide with his flag atop the tallest mountain in his country - Jabal Umm ad Dami. In the distance is the border crossing to Saudi Arabia."

"For Sale?"

"A shit view of the Dead Sea and Israel."

"Blue pool, red brick stair."

"Man exits Petra through the Siq."

"This reminded me of an Australian front porch. The view from a camp inside the immensely vast Wadi Rum Desert."