Beauty / IN THE BAG

Dizzy Fae on setting intentions and her self care routine

For artist Dizzy Fae, beauty is simple. It's about eating good food, staying moisturised, being gentle with herself - and knowing sometimes you just need to ask yourself if you're okay.

Her happy-go-lucky take on life is infectious. Dizzy says that being surrounded by people that care for you is one of the coolest things in the world and blasting music in the car is essential, even if you're not going anywhere. Here, we delve into her wellness routine and why she says it's important to set intentions.


What is your morning beauty routine?

I wake up and I try to smile in bed before getting out haha.. cause it makes me feel good. Then I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a leak. I like to empty out all that needs to be free, because my beauty routine should start from the inside out. After that I usually just light-wash my face and put a moisturiser with SPF on.


What is your night beauty routine?

To get ready for slumber, I throw my bonnet on, wash my face, apply some oils that will seep through the night, and finish with some night cream. There’s also beauty in reading before bed, so I do that often.


Images: SUNDAY RILEY Sleeping Night Oil; Instagram; Instagram.


Describe what you do for a living? What does a typical day look like for you?

I’m a musician that enjoys acting, entertaining, fashion designing, DJing, fitness and health, and I just started learning over the summer how to skateboard which is something I love doing now. A typical day for me will always involve Music and then attempting to focus on each of those things I mentioned. No day seems to be the exact same for me unless I have a nothing day.


What is the supermarket/ drug store/ chemist beauty product(s) that you use and love?

I love black soap! My homie Sham introduced me to it heavy on tour this year and I really think it's helping my skin. Besides that I'm still trying to figure out the best products for me, I can't really vouch for anything else right now.


Images: Instagram; Instagram; SHEA MOISTURE Organic African Black Soap.


What is your main form of beauty body maintenance? What products do you use on your body?

I started using jojoba oil for my body pretty recently and I think my skin likes that a lot. My skin also changes what satisfies it with the season. I have eczema so in the winter I always have to apply a heavier body cream like shea butter or something recommended by a dermatologist. I also use pretty clean deodorant, but again still trying to find the best.. damn the journey.


How do you keep fit/ healthy/ active?

My fitness journey has gone so many ways growing up but I stay motivated by knowing no one can do this for me, but me. It’s nice to be around like-minded people though, that makes such difference for me. I like to set intentions on targeted areas when I work out and thats also helped me so much with my patience. I don’t feel that motivated everyday though, I take my time.


Images: Instagram; THE JOJOBA Co. Australian Jojoba Oil; Instagram. 


How do you maintain your mental health?

I've been asking myself the same thing. In the meantime, I’ve been really gentle with myself. I've been eating the right foods and working out so my system is moving the way it should even if I'm depressed that day. I have good people surrounding me that care for me and that is one of the coolest things in this world. I also blast the music I make in my car even if I'm not going anywhere.


What does the word 'wellness' mean to you? How does this incorporate into your daily life?

To me wellness means asking myself "bitch is you well?" and going forward based on that answer.


How do you stay inspired?

Some days are easier than most. For me inspiration comes for anything and everything at any time. So when inspo comes around I get a tight grip on it and don't let go until it's simply not there anymore for the time being. If i'm out and about, my notes are my best friend for tracking down inspiration.


What is the best advice on beauty you’ve received?

Wear sunscreen and take off your makeup at night.


Images: Instagram; Instagram.


What is the best advice on health you’ve received?

"After I brush my teeth and wipe my mouth, I look at myself and say ' You pretty bitch.' Then I keep it moving and say ' Go get em' tiger.' It's not easy, but you gotta fight for your right. I never thought I'd be using this phrase, but the pursuit of happiness-- thats my right." - Jenifer Lewis


What is the one product you can’t live without?



Images: Instagram; Instagram; MECCA COSMETICA SPF30 Facial Sunscreen.


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