Hidden beneath the shadows, a light gently flickers away. The slow hissing of a flame growing stronger with each passing second. One minute it's there and the next it's not. A beacon of light strikes, camouflaging your surrounds in a veil of brilliance. The world goes hazy for just a minute, before a steady stream of colour begins to reemerge.
A soft yellow, a warm orange, a piercing blue then a welcoming green. A colour wheel of intrigue bouncing off the walls as the palm trees sway back and forth.
Opposite: DIOR men shirt, pants, shoes, belt, earring, neck- lace and bracelet; stylist’s own socks (worn throughout).
DIOR MEN top, earrings and necklace.
Left: DIOR men shirt, pants, shoes, belt, earrings and necklace. Right: DIOR men jacket, shirt, pants, shoes, bag, necklace and bracelet; model’s own earring (worn throughout).
Left: DIOR men shirt and earrings. Right: DIOR men shirt, pants, shoes, belt, bag and earrings (worn on shirt). Dior men Mini Saddle bag and Dior men Saddle bag illustrated by Eleanor Ferguson.
Left: DIOR men jacket, shirt and necklace. Dior men Mini Saddle and Dior men Saddle Soft illustrated by Eleanor Ferguson. Right: DIOR men pants, earring (worn as belt accessory) and necklace (worn as bracelet)
DIOR men jacket, jeans, shoes and earrings; stylist’s own fabric.
DIOR men pants, belt and earring.
To find out more about what inspired this issue, have an exclusive read of our Editor's Letter. And to experience the Oasis issue from beginning to end, the November issue of RUSSH will be available on newsstands from November 18 and through our shop now. Find a stockist near you.
Feature image: Alith wears DIOR men jacket, shirt and hat. Tanmai wears DIOR men top, jeans and hat. Sol wears DIOR men shirt and pants. Joan wears DIOR men top, pants and necklace.