
The verdict is in: these are the differences between a July Leo and an August Leo

Governed by the sun, Leos are expressive, emboldened, and just a smidge sensitive – if they're not in command.

In the words of astrologer Jules Ferrari: Leo, your star shines brightest when you operate from the seat of your own authenticity. This forms one of the themes of your year, as three of the four eclipses will take place across your eleventh and fifth house, otherwise known as the axis of individuation. There's a lot to prepare for in the run-up to Leo Season. The Lion's Gate Portal falls on August 8th this year, a potent time for manifestation spells and self-assessment. It also happens to be right in the thick of Leo season, which in case you already haven't, scope out our gift selects of what to get every self-respecting Leo.  

In the season of the Lion, specificity is also key. The sun sign is elected to anyone born between July 23rd to August 22nd. That's a window in which we, by matching the Leo spirit, should hammer out any key differences between those in month-separated camps. The key differentiators are many. From communication, relationship preferences, emotions and calls to action, there are lots of ways in which a month can make a world of difference.  The Sun travels about one degree per day during each month of the zodiac, meaning that all July Leos are first decan Leos, while most Leos born in August are either second or third-decan Leos.

Don't know if a lick of that meant a thing? Fear not. We've got you covered on the differences and similarities for a July Leo and August Leo below.


Traits of July Leos

I guess it pays off to be a little closer to the Cancer season. July Leos are tempered by a sense of fairness and justice. Purely ruled by the Sun, they are quick to express their creativity in spurts, driven by their passion. July Leos are also partial to art and music, many from Madonna to Sandra Bullock are masters of their craft. Their confidence is exemplified by bold creative pursuit, and an inimitable confidence in communicating and vouching for themselves. They are, as the Sun determines, a stock-regular Leo in any form.


Traits of August Leos

August Leos are where we get a bit of a wild card. Most August Leos have Jupiter and Mars influences in their chart, so these Leos can present more as a devilish cad, on many fronts. The same spontaneous, trigger-happy streak that runs rampant in our Aries honeys are located in August Leos. August-borns are a little more spontaneous, with a bite for the impulsive when it comes to any action-planning or life-game play. Our very own Greta Gerwig is an excellent example. Who just ups it and makes an entire Barbie movie? An August Leo, that's who.


What is the main difference between July Leo and August Leo?

July Leos have an implacable sense of self, leading them to be authoritative figures of justice and fairness within their respective communities. Setting that high benchmark belies an expectation that everyone will follow it, which is where July Leos will stutter to a close when others don't. As it stands, they are ardent protectors of their friends and family, and huge on protecting their peace (and craft) from any unwelcome interference. Their creative flair also shines through in their penchant for the fancy, or indulgent things in life.

Then we've got the second half. August Leos thrive on ambition, setting high goals for themselves. The sense of frustration that arises is philosophical, and self-directed when they fall short of their own goals. They feed off of intelligent pursuit, and most take shape as the natural-born leaders we assume the sign to be. Their incisive approach to their own well-being feeds into a love for public speaking, and even a bold debate. August Leos are lightning in a bottle, and they know how to tell a tale that matters.




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