Beauty / IN THE BAG

Skincare tips on how to clear a breakout overnight according to model Dechen

We get skincare tips from model Dechen on how to clear a breakout overnight

In partnership with Kiehl's


When it comes to keeping skin clear despite all odds, there aren't many people we trust like models. Their on-the-go lifestyle and having to exist as a canvas for a plethora of makeup looks throughout their week often means that their skin is subject to substantially more than the average person's – so if a product or routine works for them, well, we trust that it will work for us too.

For model Dechen, keeping her skin clear and camera-ready is now a part of her daily routine – and the products she uses to keep her skin in top shape before heading on set are considered holy grails. Between shoots and runway shows (you may have spotted her a few times at recent AFW shows), we caught up with Dechen to ask her all about her best model skincare tips, advice and her routine for keeping her face feeling when breakouts happen unexpectedly.


1. What are some of your best tips for keeping your skin camera-ready?

I like to take a little extra time and care for my skin to keep it feeling its best, and having the right skincare routine makes all the difference. It’s all about staying in tune with your skin and what it needs – I also try to have a lot of nutrient-rich meals too, it works wonders.



2. What are some of the skin saviours that you always like to have on set with you?

Once a shoot has wrapped, I love to take off my makeup and treat my skin with the Kiehl's Expertly Clear Blemish-Targeting & Preventing Lotion. It’s a great product to have in my bag to bring to set with me, and after a long day of shooting my skin often needs a little extra love. I tend to look for products with salicylic acid to prevent new blemishes from forming, and I find this lotion to be the perfect formula without drying or irritating my skin.


3. How has your approach to skincare changed since you started modelling?

My job requires having a lot of different makeup looks and products applied on a regular basis that, over time, can definitely take their toll on my skin. Since starting modelling, I’ve been able to learn which products and ingredients are most effective, and how to treat my skin accordingly when it flares up.



4. Do you have any hacks for getting rid of blemishes the night before a job?

I used to always use pimple patches to try and calm a blemish, but found they didn’t work fast enough to get rid of a pimple the day before a job. Since using the Kiehl's Truly Targeted Blemish Solution, I have peace of mind knowing it works quickly and effectively. As an added bonus, the formula is clear – so I can wear it out without the visible look of a pimple patch, or I can seamlessly layer it under my makeup when I'm doing a shoot or a show. I love knowing that the solution's liquid patch is still doing its job to reduce the appearance of a blemish while I'm working.


5. What’s the best skincare advice you ever received?

I think it’s really important to celebrate differences in skin textures – it’s so unique to everyone. Some advice I love to remember, particularly as a model, is that we’re all human. To have perfect skin all the time just isn’t realistic. It seems obvious, but I think we forget that most people struggle with breakouts from time to time, and I think there’s a real comfort in acknowledging that.


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