People / Resolutions
All the Black Lives Matter protests in Australia this weekend
It’s time to mobilise.
It’s time to mobilise.
Stand together. Whether you donate time or money, here are some tangible ways to help.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch yet or are looking for some resources to further your understanding of white privilege, this video is a top-line explanation.
Improving the world begins with ourselves. But recent events have made it glaringly obvious that we must turn our gaze outwards, too. To engage and importantly, to listen.
If you are interested in following/watching these protests unfold and learning more about the outrage, we’ve put together a list (which is by no means comprehensive but is a start) to the social media accounts you can follow for updates and insight.
This is not the time to talk. This is a time to listen and learn. Here are some essays, plays and movies that can help you gain a deeper view into racism and race relations.
“The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including yourself. And it’s the only way forward.” – ljeoma Oluo
RUSSH questions the picture of female desire look so distorted through our cultural lens. Especially since nature has wired women for pleasure.
Unsure about anyone else, but we could go the rest of our lives without having a single social Zoom call again.
Do we need to rethink how we value the creative industries?
We’ve ranked some of the most poignant from our own phones on a scale of: chaotic good, chaotic neutral and chaotic what, for entertainment purposes if nothing else.
The idea that it is safe enough to be resuming social interactions should be exciting. But for some, it’s much more complex.
Living in an apartment, sustainable living isn’t always initially easy. But one thing you can do is grow your own damn lettuce.
You can bet we’ll be trying it out this week.
There are plenty of ways to find and adopt and animal that needs a home during the coronavirus pandemic. You just need to know where to look.
A brand new initiative, the Generations Fellowships will see in-kind and cash support given to up and coming musicians. A life-changing move for many.
With so much time on our hands, could now be the perfect time to adopt a dog? If yes, just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.
The creative industries bring us joy, comfort and help us understand the world around us. And now, this industry and its people are in trouble.
Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland take off their shirts, while Ryan Reynolds watches on disapprovingly. Why are celebrities partaking in this challenge?
As the 50th anniversary of Earth Day 2020 drawers closer, the message behind the movement has been more important. See why Earth Month should be celebrated.