Beauty / Trend

The rhythm of the night

Stardust and smoke. Take your New Year’s Eve cues from Lily and Anja, proving that high glamour and grungy eyes go hand in hand – for the best kind of sleepless nights.

Beauty / Trend

Ocean air, salty hair: the easiest summer hair trend

By the ocean you can be free. Take a dip, run your fingers through once and let your hair do its thing.
There’s no need for styling – Steffy and Lexi know salty hair is always of the moment.

Beauty / Trend

Instagram’s new filter has reignited our love for freckles

Instagram’s latest filter has reignited our affection for freckles – for our natural selves, for flaunting our skin’s texture and celebrating what’s unique. Here, some of our favourite model muses put their freckles front and centre.