We start this new year with the Sun and Moon together in your sign, in the hours after a New Moon in Capricorn. This alignment feels fortuitous, like the directions are clear.
At the same time, the new year clicks over with Mars, the engine that’s connected with our desires and action-taking, moving backwards through both Leo and Cancer (December 7th until February 25th). On one hand, the outer visions for the new year feel clear, whilst the engine takes its time, making sure that your goals are connected to both your own wants, need, desires and instincts (Aries) as well as to your more intuitive, ephemeral inner world (Cancer). Take note of any changes in your plans over this time. It may be very natural, and if there is a re-jigging, its simply to align you more wholly with yourself and the deep authenticity of where and why and how you want to move this year in your world.
Since March of 2023, your ruler, Saturn, has been surveying the foundations of creative, mystical and nebulous Pisces, looking at how we can bring form to our dreams and visions. From March 30th until October 22nd, Saturn will move into Aries for its first taster (where it will move again in 2026). This is a real shift in pace and flavour and as it is your ruling planet, it plays as a kind of energetic compass for your sign. In Pisces, Saturn brings realism to our dreams, what has practical legs and what is simply a fantasy. How can I be devoted to actualising my dreams versus simply floating in the daydream of the thing, without doing any of the practical, grounded work?
In Aries, the temperature is different. It is the initiator, the sprinter, the keys in the engine joining forces with the planet of mastery and playing the long game. This is a wonderful and very productive transit, and it’s interesting timing that it comes a month after Mars starts moving forwards again, following its long retrograde at the start of the year. This can be a great time of both strategic action for you and fast movement. Keep an ear to your instincts and if the ducks are all lined up, you may feel propelled to make moves at a faster pace than usual.
In June, Jupiter will move into your opposite sign of Cancer. This also feels supportive and along a similar vein, connecting you to your emotions and focussing your attention on your sanctuary; both your inner world and your domestic environment. What brings you meaning here? How can you build more of this? Cancer is your counterweight, ensuring that your inner world (Cancer) and your outer world (Capricorn) are in coherence. It’s one eye on the mountains you wish to ascend with the other firmly planted in the restorative, nourishing experiences you are building for yourself at home.
Want to understand why the zodiac signs are the way they are? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to the personality traits of each zodiac sign. Plus, you can find all the answers to the year ahead in our 2025 astrology forecast.
PHOTOGRAPHY Anna Pogossova @ Bernstein & Andriulli AU
FASHION Hannah Cooper