In 2024, our March equinox falls on 20 March at precisely 2:06pm AEDT.
These celestial events occur twice a year, and they are considered the polar opposite of the solstices. Where the summer solstice represents the longest day of the year, and the winter solstice is the shortest, our autumn and spring equinoxes are the two points during the year where we have an equal amount of day and night.
What happens during the equinox?
Think of these as the moments that mark the turn of the seasons, as the Sun crosses the celestial equator. In this way, the equinox signals our descent into the next phase of the year.
The equinox, both autumn and spring, are also moments of balance - a equilibrium between the push and pull of light and dark. This balance offers a unique time for introspection, allowing us to reassess ourselves and current path.
However, it is the autumn equinox (or spring equinox for those in the Northern hemisphere) that tends to have the most significance. This day is not just about the change of seasons, it also marks the beginning of the astrological year. This is the time that our Sun moves into Aries, the first astrological sign of the zodiac. As such, the autumn equinox can be considered a fresh start, a time to wipe the slate clean and prepare for what's to come.
What does the autumn equinox mean?
Broadly, this moment should be treated as an energetic reset. It is a moment to take stock of where you are and your personal growth. The harmonic energy found in this moment will allow you the space you may need to reflect and subsequently recalibrate. Be ready to make the adjustments you need to ensure you're on the right course.
This autumn equinox arrives at an auspicious moment, where we have a soothing and helpful Moon and Mercury trine. The Moon rules our inner selves and the way we feel when we're alone. And mercury is of course the planet of communications and transits. This favourable trine signals a harmony between our introspective self and our ability to communicate and process information. It will allow us all a greater power for reflection - and the ability to act on that self reflection.
Just remember that the Sun will have moved us into Aries season, which can throw some obstacles in our way. Our fun-loving and bright Aries is passionate but also brash. During Aries season you may be tempted to act without thinking - beware. Now is definitely the time to look before you leap. You'll need your wits about you if you wish to make the most of this moment.
As this autumn equinox is the energetic refresh of the astrological year, this is one of the most powerful times to manifest. Focus on the things you want to bring into your path and also be conscious of the things that you do not wish to take with you into the rest of year. Be intentional and be impactful. Write your intentions down if this helps you be clear about what you want.
Ultimately, this is a point of transition. It can be big, it can be small. But when approached correctly, it can set you up for big things to come.
Make sure to read your March horoscopes to understand what's in store for your sign.
Image: Photo by Free Nature Stock on Unsplash