You may encounter a few unexpected detours, but these could unlock new sides of yourself you didn’t know existed. You might even uncover surprising details about your ancestors, revealing hidden links to your gifts and where they’ve been passed down from.
This is a region relatively unspoiled by the tourism that plagues Lisbon like butts in Mykonos. It is big (the biggest) with lots of wine, cork, wheat, olive oil, sheep and black pigs.
It’s 2021. COVID-19 buzzes like a hungry wasp over the tentative return of public events, while a small community event called ‘Poetry in the Park’ is launched. It was here I first met Minney Richani.
We kick off the month with a New Moon in Scorpio, which already indicates that it’s time to delve deeper and put aside anything in our lives that is superficial or no longer fit for purpose.
This new perspective, which may sit in your blind spots, brings awareness to things you didn’t know existed about yourself.
If you’ve been in the new age space for even a moment, you’ll notice that Gen Z is well-versed in the esoteric arts, constantly seeking answers to quell their existential questions.
Eclipse season is on its last stretch, where the primordial waters of the future and past merge, and the greatest act we can execute is to surrender to the forces beyond.
Here’s what’s in store for the year ahead.
In an effort to understand its place in the human condition, here are some of the best expressions of yearning in art and culture.
Arts editor Ariela Bard speaks with the five artists selected for the ‘Primavera 2024: Young Australian Artists’ exhibition at Sydney’s MCA.