COVID-19 reached our shores merely a few weeks ago. The Australian hospitality industry was gutted as a result. Our favourite restaurants closed, our neighbourhood bars shut their doors. And whilst we do all need to stay home and physically distance from one another, it is a struggle not being able to enjoy a wine with friends in the ways we are so used to. Wine Aid is a local initiative that aims to supply your at-home wine needs by curating wine packs delivered to your door. These packs will champion small Australian producers of wine, whilst also supporting those in the industry that have been greatly affected by the current global pandemic.
How Wine Aid works:
Wine Aid will be distributing curated packs of six or twelve wines, with value in mind. A portion of profits will be donated to restaurants to make meals for those who are currently dealing with unemployment in the face of this pandemic.
There are memes circulating that we now realise our favourite past times were bars, restaurants and non-essential businesses. But jokes aside, they are. Meeting friends after work for a drink, throwing a small dinner party and serving endless natural wine did serve as a cure all. For the companionship, friendship and time spent together.
How you can show your hospitality:
Wine Aid works closely with independent retailers, Winona Wine in Manly and Native Drops in Bondi to curate the packs that have been discounted by the producers and retailers. $10 from the six packs and $20 from the twelve packs will be donated in an attempt to pay it forward and support an industry we all love in this time of need.
We are all more budget conscious than ever as the uncertainty of our daily lives stretches ahead. Where possible, put your money towards local businesses, local industries and local people. Until we meet again, face-to-face, you should enjoy our wine delivered and our pasta over Zoom with friends. Who said there was no such thing as Australian hospitality?