Culture / People

Get to know Aurora Perrineau, the star of Netflix’s hit series ‘KAOS’

Aurora Perrineau wants you to make your own conclusions about her art. Not just about her art, but in everything we do – it's important to foster a connection on your own, no matter what it is that you do. Perrineau is one of the rising stars in Netflix's new show KAOS, playing the role of Eurydice in the Greek Mythology reimagining.

In her own words, she takes us through the divots and highs of navigating the production, her off-time desires, as well as some dog-eared reads she'd recommend anyone at any moment of their life. Ahead, find our catch-up with the star to talk leading a hit Netflix show, life, and everything in between.


What’s the first thing we should know about you? And what’s something you wish more people knew about you?

I prefer animals over people. And I wish more people knew that I have a sickeningly dark sense of humour.

Would you describe yourself as an introvert or extrovert?

Introvert through and through. Let me rot at home with my dogs. 


Tell me about filming KAOS – what was the creative process like? Was it a collaborative set?

I had the time of my life filming KAOS. It was majorly collaborative, and everyone really cared about what you thought and was open to having any conversation at any time. 

What was it about the series that drew you in? Did you feel connected to the role from the very beginning?

First, I saw Charlie Covell’s name and I was immediately in. I didn’t care what it was, but then as I read it, I was blown away with how much I felt for Riddy and how badly I wanted to tell her story.

Tell me about your character Riddy – how would you describe her? Did you connect to any parts of her story personally?

Riddy is a kind but sometimes meek soul. She’s still learning how to stand up for herself and fully gain her agency. I connected with her on a personal level as I saw a younger version of me in her. Someone who doesn’t know exactly how to stand up for themselves or is fearful of upsetting others. Also, her sarcasm is something I know fondly.

Was the storytelling of Greek and Roman mythology something that was familiar to you? If not, was there anything about how it was reimagined in KAOS that surprised you?

It really wasn’t something I knew much about. I was only familiar with the names for the most part. It surprised me at every turn. There were so many Easter eggs in the script that at first, I thought Charlie was just making things up, but Google searches showed me otherwise. Charlie is so educated on Greek myths and clearly loves them in a way that made the storytelling easy for someone with no knowledge of Greek myths to understand, while also giving juicy tidbits for those who are familiar.

How was KAOS different to other projects you have worked on in the past?

Kaos was different for a plethora of reasons. Firstly, I’ve never shot out of the US for this long of a period or traveled to so many locations for something. I was also lucky enough to get to meet and work with so many of the day players and supporting cast, which made every day on set a delightful acting surprise.

What do you hope the audience takes away from the series? Is there a message you hope they connect with?

I really like when people connect with things on their own without outside influence. I hope that they take one of the characters with them and that one of their journeys makes them feel connected to the story.

When you aren’t filming or working on a project, what would we most likely catch you doing?

Road trip! Get me out of here anytime and anywhere. I want to see it all. 


What are three TV shows/movies you watched recently and what did you love about them?

Baby Reindeer… need I say more? Iron Claw because I’m a masochist. It’s not a new film but I just watched it again, No Country For Old Men. I mean it’s Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin, what’s not to like?

You’re originally from New York – what does your perfect day look like in the city?

I live in Los Angeles now, but I am from New York and lived there on and off for a former project. If I was still there, I would walk to Grumpy Cafe and take my dog Olive to Frenchie Saturdays at the dog park.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

“It’s not about you.”

Your favourite book of all time is...

It’s a tie. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

If you could play any character – real, fictional, or historical – who would it be? 

Alonzo Harris from Training Day or Mercutio in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet… but honestly those should never be touched again.


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