
Change is just a new opportunity – what to expect from the New Moon in Sagittarius

Our next New Moon arrives at very timely moment, on 1 December. Ending and then opening a new Moon Cycle as we enter the last month of 2024. It will fade from its final waning crescent at exactly 5:21pm AEDT, leaving the night sky blank for that evening.

This New Moon falls in Fire sign Sagittarius, imbuing this moment with a generous and buoyant spirit that might have feeling optimistic for the future.


What December's New Moon in Sagittarius will impact?

New Moons are the point of reset during the Moon Cycle. Where Full Moons are high energy, moody moments, our New Moons are the opposite. The close down the previous Moon Cycle, allowing us to shed the themes and energies that ruled that period and start afresh. Tempers simmer down and a sense of refreshing calm washes over. Here, we are given a refresh, a moment to take stock and plan for the new Cycle ahead.

With this is mind, New Moons are considered the optimal point of the Moon Cycle in which to set intentions and manifest. If you have a manifestation diary, write it in it. Light a candle. Speak your intentions. Whatever helps you make you desires clear. Of course, this particular Moon falls under the influence of Sagittarius, making it a particularly helpful moment for anyone wanting to reset for remaining weeks of 2024.

Sagittarius is a polarising sign. But in my humble opinion it is one of the best. If you're close to a Sagittarius, you'll know these energetic folks as effervescent optimists. Happy-go-lucky, this sign is spontaneous, funny and always down for last minute plans. Lovers of new experience and travel, it's the Sagittariuses in our lives that force us to loosen up and live in the moment. It's a very balancing energy for Earth signs who are prone to stick-in-the-mud attitudes.

It's a rather harmonious energy to end the final chapter of our calendar year. With the New Moon moving us into an energetic ebb, it is a moment to look inwards. And Sagittarius will invite us to be wholly optimistic through the whole process. When we are reviewing our progress at any point, it is so easy to catch yourself with a glass-half-empty approach. Sagittarius will have none of that. As we set goals and intentions for ourselves, this sign encourages us to push ourselves further and think optimistically about what we've already achieved.

It's an energy that will also allow us to embrace change, encouraging our inner selves to radically adapt to transformation. Whether its a relationship coming to an end, a career change that you didn't expect or maybe a friend or family member moving away – the ability to think of change as opportunity rather than challenge will be a powerful tool.

Ultimately, this is a point to reflect on the past and feel pride. But also, to plan hopefully and optimistically for the future. Sagittarius craves experience, and will boldly encourage you to dream bigger and think broader than you normally would.


Will there be any pitfalls to watch out for?

Despite falling in the midst of Mercury Retrograde and several other retrogrades, this New Moon will generally only bring good things.

When we look to the rest of the sky, we see Sagittarius's ruling planet – Jupiter – sitting in opposition to the Moon. While oppositions can sometimes be considered tense aspects, another interpretation is that they offer balance. In particular, a Jupiter and Moon opposition is one that particularly harmonious in that it offers generosity, good will and creativity.

The only potential problem is that this placement can come with a small tendency to spend beyond our means. It is a tricky influence to manage around the holiday season with so many temptations laid out front and centre. It would be wise to take a day or two to think about any big purchases as Sagittarius can make us forget that credit card bills will actually have to be paid back one day. It's not the most responsible sign.

But on the whole, this New Moon comes with a warm energy that will help us shoot for the stars.


Image:  Benjamin Voros on Unsplash



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