
Your November 2024 horoscopes have landed: Here’s what’s in store for this month

celestial sky

Hello November, and hello to our November 2024 horoscopes.

We kick off the month with a New Moon in Scorpio, which already indicates that it’s time to delve deeper and put aside anything in our lives that is superficial or no longer fit for purpose. Remember, Scorpio’s function is death and rebirth, and it’s best not to drag our heels trying to resist it. Taking the path of least resistance is your best course of action. We’ll also be saying buh-bye to Pluto in Capricorn for the last time and see it waltz into Aquarius for the next 20 years. Perhaps, just perhaps, we’ll see another random tech alien prototype emerge from Silicon Valley in the coming weeks. Lastly, Mercury is back in its retrograde motion in Sagittarius. In essence, we’ll be rethinking how the year has transpired and whether we’ve stayed true to our vision along the way. If not, you have some wiggle room to take a new road and a new stance. Note these dates in your diary: November 1st - New Moon in Scorpio, November 15th - Saturn in Pisces goes direct, November 16th - Full Moon in Taurus, November 20th - Pluto moves into Aquarius, November 22nd - Sun enters Sagittarius, November 26th - Mercury in Sagittarius goes retrograde.


Whenever there’s a new moon kicking off the first day of the month, it’s like a cosmic green light for new beginnings. With the New Moon in Scorpio lighting up your house of transformation, get ready for a shift in your emotional landscape. This is your chance to let go of what’s been holding you back, so you can truly soar and thrive as you reach for the next level of your global ambitions.

Pluto in Capricorn has been a major player in your career space for over a decade, and now’s the perfect time to reflect on how your vision and dreams have shaped you into the leader you know you can be. When Pluto moves into Aquarius, the next decade will be all about stepping into your role within your community, embracing both the exciting rewards and the responsibilities that come with it. It’s your time to shine!



Connection, eroticism, and desire are your guiding words for the month! With the New Moon in Scorpio, you're in for a wonderfully transformative experience that’s likely to bring out parts of you eager to dive deep with a new crush or take your collaborations to the next level. If trusting your instincts feels a bit challenging, now is the time to lean into that gut feeling and let go of overthinking.

As the Full Moon in Taurus approaches a couple of weeks later, it will be the perfect moment to call all the pieces of yourself back home. You’ll find clarity about how you’ve been sharing your ideas, dreams, and desires with the world and whether you've been using your voice to express them. Remember, in astrology, Taurus governs the throat—so it’s time to speak up and let your authentic self step on to the stage.



It's time to transform your work culture into something that truly reflects your power. With the New Moon in Scorpio lighting up your work zone, you’ll have the chance to dive deep into your zone of genius and figure out how you want to tackle your business, à la “working girl” style. Whether that means refreshing your work wardrobe or claiming more space in the boardroom, get ready for an exciting new challenge ahead.

As a little inspiration, think of Carrie from Sex and the City—she once wrote, "In love relationships, there is a fine line between pleasure and pain." With the Sun shining brightly in Sagittarius and Mercury Retrograde stirring things up in your relationship realm, this may be a crucial question to reflect on as you navigate the crossroads of partnerships.



This is a historic month as we bid farewell to Pluto in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes. For you, Pluto has played a significant role in your relationship zone, guiding you through trials and new journeys that have likely challenged your ideals. You may have come to the realization that some of those ideals were based on false truths, leading to a much clearer understanding of your intimacy do's and don'ts.

When Pluto moves into Aquarius over the coming years, the focus will shift from superficial connections to exploring the deep and saucy realms of raw intimate partnerships. Now is the time to take the lessons learned over the past decade and put them into action. Embrace this transformative energy—it's your moment to grow.



Who do you consider family, Leo? The New Moon in Scorpio may inspire you to explore your roots, sense of belonging, and what home truly means to you. If you’ve been dipping your toes into revealing your authentic self, now is the time to embrace that unapologetically. Before long, it won’t just be your family who gets to see the ‘real you’—your colleagues at work will, too. The upcoming Full Moon in Taurus is here to help you unlock the secrets to achieving those old goals you may have set aside due to fear or procrastination. Keep your shoulders high, and don’t look back.



Over the past few months, Saturn in Pisces has been retrograding through your relationship zone, encouraging you to reorganize and redefine your relational dynamics. This process has helped you develop a more mature approach to deepening your connections and establishing boundaries with those who may have been testing your patience. When Saturn resumes its usual path on the 15th, you’ll finally feel free to untangle yourself from any sticky attachments (love, work or otherwise) so you can fully embrace the gift of freedom. Meanwhile, Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius will shed light on your emotional landscape, allowing you to break free from those pessimistic thoughts that have been clouding your vision. After that, you’ll be unstoppable.



It’s essential to make new financial commitments that invest in yourself—not just for beauty treatments, although self-care is crucial for you to feel like the Venusian muse you are. Focus on elevating yourself in a way that has the potential for significant future returns. This New Moon in Scorpio is the perfect opportunity to set these intentions. For example, consider putting some money aside to start that side hustle you’ve been contemplating all year, as it has a good chance of paying off. With Pluto in Capricorn moving out of your house of family and emotions, you’ll likely feel a weight lift from your shoulders by the end of the month.



You may feel incredibly powerful this month; for some of you, it’s still your birthday so that goes without saying. But, regardless this is a time of transformation and shedding. It might feel a little raw, but there is always light on the other side of the unknown. With the New Moon in your sign, it’s the perfect moment to redefine ‘you,’ as you may have outgrown certain aspects of your life that could be holding you back. Whether that’s old dreams that didn’t work out, or promises that weren’t kept. Turn a new page as this is your chance to welcome new experiences and opportunities. Soon after, the Full Moon in Taurus will bring a delightful mix of spontaneous dates, brunches, and business meetings that might take you by surprise. Sometimes you’ll lead, and other times you’ll follow.



Somatic release, sensual living, and wise investments are precisely what the Full Moon in Taurus has in store for you. You have my full permission to indulge in your hedonistic tendencies. Your desire to invest in a work project could grow exponentially; and you might find yourself less concerned with its creative aspects and more focused on whether it will deliver the results you seek. Just remember to stay grounded and not lose yourself in the process. As Pluto in Capricorn exits your financial zone, you may have discovered the artful balance of give and take. If you’ve learned this lesson well, you now know what you need to fill your own cup to feel more whole.



Venus makes its debut in your home sign on the 12th, ushering in a time for guilt-free indulgence. This is a significant month for you, Capricorn. While you may present a tough exterior, we all know there's a soft side beneath, much like your sister sign, Cancer. Wrap up the final lessons of Pluto so you can fully own your truths and ways of being, leaving behind any need to role-play as someone else. Once Pluto shifts into Aquarius, you'll be infused with an abundance of Sagittarian energy, propelling you toward new visionary plans and a refreshed sense of optimism. Cherish the lasting transformative experiences and think about capturing it in poetry to gracefully close the book on this powerful Plutonian journey.



This month won’t be about coasting. You’re being ignited right from the start, with the New Moon in Scorpio landing in your house of public recognition and career ambitions. Anything you’ve half-heartedly committed to will be put aside so you can create space to pursue things that truly energize you. You’ve had a taste of what Pluto in Aquarius is about, but now the game really begins. It might feel like a mix of The Hunger Games and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where you’ll need to forge a new way of life for yourself. It will take some challenging tasks to do this, but by the end, you won’t even recognise the powerful player you’ve become.



You might already be asking yourself, "What do I desire, and what do I want next?" The New Moon in Scorpio lands on your lap to help you answer some lingering existential questions about your identity and guide you to follow your intuition and determine if your current direction matches your vision board Saturn in Pisces moves direct, providing you with the clarity you need by mid-month. A significant shift unfolds when Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius has the potential to remodel your career zone, you might just change your course to dream a little bigger. The sky's the limit.




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Photo by Eléonore Bommart on Unsplash