
The October Supermoon in Aries will intensify your love life

As Supermoon season continues, we prepare ourselves for another bright burst on the evening of 17 October. Reaching its fullest point at 10:26pm AEDT, this Moon falls in the Fire sign of Aries.

This Moon is also known as the Hunter's Moon, which is the Full Moon that directly follows the Harvest Moon. Since the Harvest Moon is determined by which Moon falls closest to the September Equinox, it can be either the September Full Moon or the October Full Moon, depending on the Moon Cycle of the year. This year the Harvest Moon was the September Moon and October's Moon claimed the title of Hunter's Moon. But in other years, sometimes the November Moon is the Hunter's Moon.

The name 'Hunter's Moon' can be traced back to European and Native American sources, when it was used as a signal to the hunters of the Northern Hemisphere regions to prepare and store food ahead of the barren and colder months ahead.


When to see the October Supermoon

This Full Moon will also be a Supermoon, and the biggest and most impactful Supermoon of the whole year.

Although this Moon won't reach its fullest point until nearly 10:30pm, the best time to see it will be as the sun sets. At this time, the Moon is lower in the sky and due to an optical illusion, when the Moon is low it appears bigger.

Since Supermoons can appear 20-25 percent bigger than some other Full Moons, catching a glimpse of this spectacle around sunset (which will be around 7pm AEDT) will be an impressive sight.

A Full Moon is considered to be a Supermoon when it is within 360,000 kilometers from Earth - and our October Hunter's Moon will be 357,363 kilometers away. As this is the closest distance to Earth any Full Moon will reach in 2024, this will make it the biggest and brightest Full Moon of the year.


What to expect from the Supermoon in Aries

The energy during the Moon Cycle comes in wave motion. At the trough is our New Moon, a reset of sorts. But at the crest of the wave is our Full Moon. This is because Full Moons are the energetic high point of the lunar month. These high-energy moments are anecdotally known through history for inciting intense or erratic behaviour - hence the linguistic connection between the lunar and lunacy or lunatic.

For this reason, Full Moons can be times of tension, but also powerful moments of release. It's also said that Full Moons can provide mental and spiritual illumination, shedding light on the hidden forces at work around you. Given that this Moon is also a Supermoon, these impacts will be heightened. Supermoons are considered to be even more intense, supercharging the experiences and themes of the typical Full Moon.

As this particular Moon falls in Aries, prepare for a hot-headed, rash but also supremely passionate Supermoon ahead. If this is any indication of the influencing energies of this Moon, Fire sign Aries is ruled by the warrior planet Mars. This means Aries is boldly confident, hot-tempered and led by desire. All the key ingredients needed for a short but sweet and intensely passionate fling. If nothing else, this Moon is beckoning you to reply back to that Hinge message and throw all caution to the wind. Don't be surprised if you find this Full Moon encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and take the lead — especially in regards to your deepest desires. Sometimes even a fleeting affair can be good for the soul.

The wildly fervent energy at this time coupled with the boost from Aries will have us feeling more zealous and confident across the board. Here is the time that you might find the push you need to ask for that promotion. Finally, you'll have the guts to have that honest conversation with a close friend.


What to watch our for during the Supermoon in Aries

You'll need to remember that there is a volatile mix in the sky at this moment courtesy of five planetary retrogrades and charged T-square. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all in retrogradeas is Chiron. While the longer retrogrades of the larger planets tend to be less erratic and more transformative, it is important to consider all this before making any brash decisions that could have significant repercussions. And Aries will encourage you to be brash.

While our fiery Aries is a charmer, this sign is not without its faults. A tendency to be vindictive and spiteful, this attitude could potentially burn bridges that you may need to use later on. So, while you should embrace the energetic and lustful aspects of this Supermoon. Do not let it encourage you to say or do things that could come back to bite you, especially in respect to your career. You never know where your current or former colleagues may end up next. It's better to stay respectful at all times.

We also need to be very aware of the T-square off between the Moon and Mars and Pluto. While these two planets form angry square aspects with the Moon, they oppose each other, another tense aspect. Mars square Moon is an impassioned aspect that can fill us with a deep need to slake our desires. While this can be satisfyingly sensual energy, it can also facilitate a sense of impulsiveness with no regard for consequences. As for the Moon square Pluto aspect, it can be self-destructive. Add in the Pluto-Mars opposition, which is associated with violence and outbursts, we have a potentially explosive combination. Especially for those who already have strong Fire placements in their natal charts.

The best advice? Always look before you leap and think before you speak. Avoid situations that could flare your temper and step away from arguments before they start. And if you find yourself feeling hot-headed, look for more pleasurable ways to blow off some steam.




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Image: zan douglas on Unsplash