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Meet the bright faces that opened Australian Fashion Week 2024

For many models, Australian Fashion Week has been a springboard for their career. An opportunity to connect with the industry and for many, walk their first show, the annual event has long fostered a culture that supports and nourishes the next generation of talent – both on and off the runway. It's a sentiment that is shared by the designers, too, and at Albus Lumen resort 25 – the opening show of Australian Fashion Week 2024 – the show was brimming with fresh faces.

The collection itself featured voluminous, diaphanous garments, embellished with pearls and glittering fabrics, were tempered with more industrious denim looks (you can read more about the show's highlights, in our AFW wrap-up), and the faces that walked were equally as compelling.

In the days leading up to the show's debut, RUSSH's contributing editor, Kitty Callaghan, stopped by the show's final fitting to capture some of Australia's most exciting, fresh model talent. Get to know the one's to watch, below.


My name is … Jasmine @ The Scouted

But my friends call me … Jazzy.

I am … 16 years old.

One thing you should know about me is … I’m Sporty Spice.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes it is.

What are you most excited about this AFW? A new experience – being backstage, being a part of it for the first time.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence … It’s bold and beautiful.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? The future excites me.

In 10 years I hope to be … I like to live in the now and be on the present moment.


My name is… Missy @ Kult Australia / The Scouted

But my friends call me … Well, Missy is a nickname. Keturah is my given name. My mum always wanted to name her first daughter Missy, but Dad liked Keturah. So I was called Missy Cat. Then the cat dropped, now I’m just Missy.

I am … 19 years old.

One thing you should know about me is … I’m a very smart person. I can see trends coming from a mile away. I’m good with English, and numbers too. I’m a very big reader. I bought a kindle. That’s dedication.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes.

What are you most excited about this AFW? I’m more so excited about the environment I will be in, the people I will be around. Everything I can learn. You can pick up stuff from the stylists, the makeup artists, everyone that will be there. I’m excited to wear the clothes. I’m excited to just be with everyone.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence … I would say, cool.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? Australia has a lot of hidden gems. We have so many amazing photographers, stylists. There’s a lot of talent, which sometimes isn’t recognised as much as it should be.

In 10 years I hope to be ... I hope to be happy, healthy and surrounded by people I love.



My name is … Soraya @ The Scouted

But my friends call me … Sora/ Raya / Ray

I am… 16.

One thing you should know about me is … I’m not afraid to stand out.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes!

What are you most excited about this AFW? I’m excited about being amongst it all. Being able to put on all the clothes. Meet new people, get experience. And getting out of my comfort zone too.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence … The collection is... from what I’ve worn, it’s an expression of freedom.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? Everything is so different, there are no two brands that are the same. Each brand has its own personality, it’s all so unique

In 10 years I hope to be … Pursuing modelling. Finishing my degree. I want to do a double degree of psychology and criminal psychology. Can you tell I’m into murder mystery?



My name is … Niamh @ The Scouted

But my friends call me … Niamh.

I am … 16 years old.

One thing you should know about me is … I like animals, I like nature. I’m very nature oriented. I prefer to be out of the city. I like being inland.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes.

What are you most excited about this AFW? Doing the walks I suppose. Meeting people. New experiences.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence … Very flowy. It’s a little beachy. It’s flowy and light.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? It’s all very different. There’s a lot of different vibes going on other than beachy. There’s streetwear, there’s lots happening.

In 10 years I hope to be … In my own house. Somewhere that I’d like to be living, instead of somewhere I just have to live.



My name is … Jia @ Kult Australia

But my friends call me … Patel.

I am … 16 years old.

One thing you should know about me is … I love to eat. Everything. My current favourite is risotto, a good cheesy mushroom one.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes, Albus Lumen will be my first show.

What are you most excited about this AFW? The experience.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence … It’s cool.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? How special it is.

In 10 years I hope to be … Walking for more shows. I have no idea which ones, just as far as I can go.


My name is … Sherry @ Kult Australia

But my friends call me … Beetroot.

I am ... 17, turning 18 this year.

One thing you should know about me is … I love French bulldogs. I have two. Their names are Panda and Sai.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes, definitely.

What are you most excited about this AFW? I think one of the things is getting in touch with other people, seeing how everything goes and how it all works. I’ve always had a passion for fashion.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. I think it seems casual, but it’s actually curated. The vibe is quite free. There are a lot of details.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? Seeing how the Australian culture blends in with international fashion trends.

In 10 years I hope to be … I hope to be getting somewhere with the modelling career. From year 5 I wanted to be a fashion designer so I’d love to see myself getting started on that as well.


My name is … Sandali @ Kult Australia

But my friends call me … My sisters calls me Akki, it means older sister.

One thing you should know about me is … I have the cutest cat. Appu, he is a ginger kitty.

Is this your first fashion week? It’s my second, I actually did my first in 2018.

What are you most excited about this AFW? Seeing all the pretty clothes. Meeting new people. Seeing all the creativity.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. It’s grunge. I feel like a baddie when I wear it.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? It’s evolving.

In 10 years I hope to be … The happiest version of myself.


My name is … Sadie @ Kult Australia / The Scouted

But my friends call me … Sads.

Is this your first fashion week? No, this is my third.

What are you most excited about this AFW? I just love walking. Seeing all my friends. Meeting new people. I like the drama of it all.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. My look is my chic mermaid uniform.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? Everyone is so friendly. Because we are so far away from everywhere else, it’s like a safe bubble.

In 10 years I hope to be … I hope to be traveling around everywhere. I hope to contributing more to the industry, in whatever way that takes place.


My name is … Edyll @ The Scouted

But my friends call me … I don’t really have a nickname. None of them stuck… yet!

Is this your first fashion week? Yes, it is.

What are you most excited about this AFW? Just the atmosphere. I’ve never been to a show, it’s all new to me. I’m exited for it.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. Comfy, but make it grunge.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? I’m excited by the fact that I feel like it’s only going to go up from here. It’s building, and I’m excited to grow with it.

In 10 years I hope to be … Traveling with my work and to have most of my vision board goals come true.


My name is … Mariana @ Kult Australia

But my friends call me … Mari.

Is this your first fashion week? In Sydney, yes. I am from Uruguay.

What are you most excited about this AFW? Getting to know the people here, getting to work with them.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. Dreamy but fierce. The duality that I love.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? I have always followed Australian designers. Some favourites are Dion Lee, Zimmermann. They feel natural. There’s this elevated look even though it’s comfortable.

In 10 years I hope to be … Doing whatever calls me in life. I have found it yet, but whatever it is, it will fill my soul.


My name is … Ryan @ Kult Australia / The Scouted

But my friends call me … Sui.

Is this your first fashion week? Yes.

What are you most excited about this AFW? Just learning. I’m new, there’s a lot to learn, a lot of people to meet.

Describe the Albus Lumen show/collection in one sentence. Honestly, I was expecting something completely different. I love how it all comes together. It’s so nice.

What excites you about the Australian fashion industry? Honestly, I am not sure yet. I am new to this. I’m just trying to stay level headed.

In 10 years I hope to be … Rich and famous!!!


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