Culture / Film

The Social Network comes back as…Meta?

Never doubt the power of the infinite scroll. Even a decade later, The Social Network still stands today as a film of merit. With world class performances from Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and more, there's a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from the movie that inspired Mark Zuckerberg's ascent to fame.

It might even be getting a sister soon. Aaron Sorkin has announced a second screenplay in the works for his first film. On the form of the sequel, Sorkin is quoted to be "trying to make it work as a film." Sorkin has remained notoriously tight-lipped about his plans and how the body of the second film is taking shape. So it's up to us to deduce what might rear its head again.

Here's what we know and our predictions for what might make it into The Social Network sequel.


The original team...

Sorkin has claimed that he will only see the sequel through with David Fincher, who directed the first film. The involvement of the director landed the first film firmly in Oscars territory. The rest was 2010s history.


The events that inspired...

While the first film followed the rise of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg (with an awe-spiring performance from Jesse Eisenberg), the second will take a much more current-day route. Sorkin has mentioned that his second screenplay will follow the events of the January 6th insurrection and its effects on the Facebook interface. The great Lady Gaga: I tried to look for evidence.

The cast...

Given the entirely different premise and the time skip to our current roaring 20s, it will be hard to anticipate a return from Eisenberg, Armie Hammer, or Garfield. While we would do just about anything to get the Winklevoss twins back on our screens, we might have to settle for Eisenberg kitted out in SFX make-up. Time will tell...


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