Beauty / Favourites

Come behind the scenes of our summer beauty shoot and see the tool that made it all possible

In partnership with Uber


For the most part, working in fashion publishing is hardly the portrait you'll find in The Devil Wears Prada or The Bold Type. But there are moments. Chance days in the office where all of your colleagues are present; music plays, ideas are tossed about and the air is buzzing with collaborative chatter. That's how I found the team recently while they were working on a beauty shoot documenting a host of summer looks directed by RUSSH beauty editor, Emily Algar. Here's a candid behind-the-scenes glimpse.

As photographer, Olivia Repaci was first to roll in. I abandoned my desk (and all the emails piling up) to help unpack her gear from the Uber, which she tells me was 5% cheaper with the Uber One membership. Hot on her tail is model, Sene Maluwapi, who flew in from Melbourne for the shoot and appears glowing and bang on time in an Uber straight from the airport. Next to arrive is Teressica Carr, in charge of perfecting the beauty, closely followed by fashion and hair stylist Laura Mazikana.

Now I'm back at my desk watching on wistfully as the team have the time of their lives down the other end of the office. Maybe I should ask to be hired as a makeup assistant? I pick through Teressia's kit out of curiosity and to get a foot in on the action (I hear makeup artists love that). Someone cranks Caroline Polachek up on the speakers. Laura is leafing through a rack of outfits finalising each look while Olivia sets up a paper roll the colour of butter. From the corner of my eye I watch as Teressia manages to build a gentle sheen on Sene's already radiant skin.

I hear a little gasp and turn to Teressia. She's running low on Vaseline, and after a little rummage Paw Paw ointment, cotton rounds, and makeup remover are added to the list. Considering there's still hours ahead of them, this is a beauty emergency. Emily calls in reinforcements (a delivery is made on Uber Eats from a nearby pharmacy). There's no delivery fee, another perk of Uber One I'm told, which can only be a good thing especially when it comes to sticking to an editorial budget.

In the meantime, Olivia passes her phone around to order lunch – everyone agrees on South Dowling Sandwiches, and I consider hiding my curry and rice in the fridge in favour of something off the menu. I don't though, and feel content with my decision until I see the Uber Eats delivery person arrive, dropping off large mounds of bread stuffed with caramelised carrots, potato salad, and chicken coated in vermillion-red spice. I fear I've made the wrong choice. But there's not much time to feel sorry for myself – I have a dentist appointment to make, and soon I'm waving goodbye to the team and the fizzy energy of the office. My car ride to the dentist leaves ample room for FOMO to set in. Until the next chance day...

Explore all the perks of an Uber One membership at the app's website.

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