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Here is the worst thing you can do to your skin in winter according to an expert

By now, you'll probably know that our approach to skincare is something that needs to change from season to season.

In the hot weather, we may need extra help with cleansing. But in the winter, when the air is cool and dry, we could need more support with hydration and our lipid barrier. After all, good skincare is all about understanding what your skin needs and making adjustments.

To understand more, we spoke to Isabella Loneragan skin expert and founder of The Dermal Diary. With more than 10+ years experience in dermatology and cosmeceuticals, she knows what it takes to keep skin healthy from season to season. Below, she shares her tips on cold weather skincare and the worst thing you can do for your skin in winter.


Does your skincare need to change from season to season? Why?

Yes. During the colder months our oil glands produce less oil resulting in dryer skin. On top of this, heaters can be our skin's worst enemy as they take out all moisture in the air, decreasing the humidity and causing our skin to dry out. When it comes to the warmer months, humidity increases and melts the oil in our glands resulting in a shiny or oily appearance. Due to these differences in our skin, our skincare needs to adapt to these changes.


Does your skin need more care in colder weather? Why?

Yes it can, depending on where you live in the world can help you answer this. If you are in an extremely cold climate you may find your skin is very oil dry, therefore you may need to support it with more nourishing products.


What should we be doing to care for our complexion in winter?

Use more nourishing products like the Multivitamin Nourish or The Dream Mask. These richer products will support your skin when the cold, dry weather attacks it.


Does the type of extra care depend on your skin type?

Yes it does - if you have acne or oily prone skin you should be using a hydrating product like our Be Healed & Hydrated Moisturiser or our soon to be released Water Boost to your skincare regime during winter to help keep your skin hydrated but not overly nourished.


What’s the worst thing we can be doing for our skin in winter or when it's cold?

Stopping the use of sunscreen! Most people think that once the sun disappears we can ditch the SPF but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The sun's UV rays are still present even though you may not be able to see them through the gloomy weather. Without SPF your skin is exposed to the sun's harmful rays and can result in sun damage like fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation.


What’s your best skincare tip or hack?

Mix a squirt of foundation into your facial SPF 30 to give it some colour - or better yet, use an already tinted SPF, something like the Glow Getter, our tinted hydrating SPF 30.


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